19 awesome Java projects on Mastodon that posted recently.
Java Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Java and #Kotlin.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/java
@[email protected]The place to collaborate on an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition, and related projects.
Code Lutin
@[email protected]Expertise #Java et #Javascript à #Nantes.
Membre-fondateur de #LibreEntreprise, nous sommes une SAS à participation ouvrière : nous pratiquons la démocratie, l'égalité de salaire, la transparence.
@[email protected]Mi piace il software libero
@[email protected]Lightweight.
Crafted for Microservices.
Helidon is a cloud-native, open‑source set of Java libraries for writing microservices that run on a fast web core powered by Virtual threads.
@[email protected]Java Community Conferences - in-person and online.
mannetraquetord 🎃
@[email protected]Dev java ☕
PP by @clirstrim
@[email protected]Offering top-notch software development in back-end, front-end Android, IOS, and data analysis. Skilled in Python, Solidity, Swift, Kotlin, Java, Javascript, SQL, .Net and Rust. Expert in system integrations, solution architecture and UI/UX design.
I also offer research assistance across Maths, sciences and business.
Email: [email protected]
W/A : +1(914) 928-9772
Let's build something together
#softwaredevelopment #tech #Programming #assignments
@[email protected]DevCafé
@[email protected]Dev Café est une chaîne YouTube destinée à tous (et toutes !) les développeurs. On y parle principalement du développement mobile (Android, iOS, React Native, Flutter…), mais aussi du développement en général (ChatGPT, Tauri, Java…)
Dev Café est aussi une quotidienne publiée chaque matin à 7h (heure française) qui résume en 10 minutes ce qu'il faut retenir de l'actualité.
Puzzle ITC
@[email protected]We develop open source solutions with Linux, Kubernetes, Ansible, Java, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and UX
Snafu 🐦
@[email protected]#Freelance #FullStack #SoftwareDeveloper. Supporter of #LatinAmerica.
#Java #TypeScript #CSS #PHP #FLOSS #Privacy #Infrastructure #Linux #Infosec
#Español #LatinoAmérica
#PachaMama #MadreTierra
"Cuando la sangre de tus venas retorne al mar y el polvo de tus huesos vuelva al suelo, quizás recuerdes que esta tierra no te pertenece a ti, sino que tú perteneces a esta tierra." - proverbio indígena
"No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá." - Facundo Cabral
Old posts are deleted automatically. #NoBot
@[email protected]EclipseStore - Java Persistence for Microservices & Serverless
Media ex Machina 📼✈♨
@[email protected]Vulgarisation technique autour des médias, de leur production à leur diffusion, pour les curieux et les vidéastes.
Et sinon expert technique #média, dev #Java, archi logiciel, #ffmpeg #Linux #sysadmin et d'autres trucs...
(hdsdi3g sur les réseaux)
frentix GmbH
@[email protected]frentix offers e-learning and software development services. We are specialized in the LMS OpenOlat and Java / JavaScript based web and mobile applications.
@[email protected]Java Magazine for Java Developers
@[email protected]Brno Java User Group
Email: [email protected]
@[email protected]High-#Performance #JavaNative #Persistence. Build Ultra-Fast #Java #InMemory #Database Apps & #Microservices.