585 awesome Java accounts on Mastodon.
Jürgen Kleer 🌶️
@[email protected]Linux • Java • Rust • Privacy
Saarland • Germany • Europe
Phil Haigh
@[email protected]Writer of software and and builder of systems. Technomancer. Ocean Sailor, geek, photographer, cyclist, film extra, maker, lapsed musician, former pilot. ADHD. Do something difficult or just plain crazy. Enjoy dabbling in home automation, 3D printing, electronics and now model trains. I write software for a living, in Java and Kotlin, C and JavaScript as Surfsoft Consulting Ltd. https://github.com/surfsoft - He/Him.
Guy Manson, Manliest Man Man
(also follow @kaiiak.co on bluesky because that's me too!)
Sup. Name's Kai.
Manly Man Man who isn't compensating for anything
[May 17, 2004]
I compose music , especially music inspired by rhythm games and FNF (Friday Night Funkin').
I love cats :]
I'm also very interested in geopolitics and grand strategy games.
In fact, I also like to run a geopolical roleplay/nations minecraft server, Crescenta! Rule a nation and have fun! (IP: crescenta.org / Version: 1.21.1 Java)
I also own and run cave.cool (I'm @grug )
I ramble. a lot. This is a strongsuit of mine.
I will be a menace. I think it's funny. It's all in good fun.
Anyways, enjoy!
(banner by fangz_1)
Werner Keil
@[email protected]#CATMedia Boss, #Java #JCP Award Winner, Spec Lead of #JSR385 (#Units), #JSR354 (#Money), #Eclipse UOMo Lead, #W3C, #Agile, #DevOps, #IoT, #ITSecurity, #JakartaEE Ambassador, Spec Committee Member, Author, Speaker, Husband, Father
Ben Evans
@[email protected]Queer, cisgender author / educator / software engineer mainly known for #architecture / #performance / #observability / #Java / #JVM
Much more likely to post pictures of #cats and rant about society, #antifascism, food and #queer stuff than tech, though.
Hajo Thelen
@[email protected]Lutin Discret
@[email protected]Développe en #Java #Javascript #git #SQL #postgreSQL et bricole sur #finance #rémunération #juridique chez @codelutin
Sur Masto pour échanges constructifs et réseautage afin de faire avancer mes causes : #LogicielLibre #ViePrivée #autogestion
Anime @copiepublique
Hasko 🇪🇺🦄🌻
@[email protected]Wannabe techie || I have no idea what I'm doing here || Kann Spuren von Musikwissenschaft enthalten
mannetraquetord 🎃
@[email protected]Dev java ☕
PP by @clirstrim
@[email protected]opinionated lurker of the intarwebs.
Used to write code, still do. c/c++, java, php, js, c#, gdscript, gnawed on sql, sparql, unix/windows etc etc billions of years ago.
tech, graphics, anything STEM
anything anthropology, history, linguistics
anything blender, gimp (although i scream using it), audacity
prefers not to be run over by cars
I drink Philz.
I do a (non-monetized) video or so a week on yt.
Tyranny and poverty are everywhere a mainstream economics phenomenon.
Oliver Thomsen
@[email protected]software engineer
#java #springboot #docker
Rod Hilton
@[email protected]backend services engineering • Twitter alum • movie nerd • machete order guy • remote work zealot • hall monitors get mocked & blocked • facts my own & disguised as opinions
#Technology: #Programming | #Java | #Twitter | #Mastodon | #RemoteWork
#Movies: #Horror | #SciFi | #StarWars
#Politics: #DigitalRights | #Climate | #PoliceReform | #Democracy
Michael Simons
@[email protected]👨👩👦👦👨🏻💻🚴🏻 – Father, Husband, Developer, Athlete. Author of @springbootbuch and #DuckDB in Action, founder of @euregjug. Java champion working on various integrations of @neo4j in the broader Java ecosystem.
You can expect a mixture of tech (Java, GraalVM, databases), some politics, cycling and food pictures.
Published in 2024: https://www.manning.com/books/duckdb-in-action
Rui Nibau (rnb)
@[email protected]• Ingé web depuis 2007: #javascript, #html, #css, #java
• Biologiste de formation
• #libre et #linux depuis 2003
• https://omacronides.com
@[email protected]Retired Java programmer and Linux admin living on #Milwaukee's Lower East Side. Commodore 64 elder. Cat servant. Old-school #ttrpg player (#CastlesAndCrusades). I'm also interested in Javanese culture (#gamelan, wayang, dance) and have traveled there many times.
@[email protected]Software Development - web / app / backend
Scripter of Java and Type
TypeScript, Python3, Rust, Dart
HedgeDoc Developer 🦔
Uwe Sinha
@[email protected]Ü50, eingeborener #Berlin|er, Vater, Indogermane, Softwareentwickler (#Java), schwarz-weiß-grün versiffter Gutmensch mit Aufmerksamkeitsüberschuss. 1992 ins Netz gestolpert und immer noch da. Interested in things.
@[email protected]Ex-Mothertrucker wird zur #Codeschubse.
Das hier ist @walsondes seriöslicher Account für alle IT-bezogenen Themen.
Work: Hat mal #C und #Python angefasst. Lernt gerade #Java. Gehört zur seltenen Gattung derjenigen, die #php nicht verabscheuen (besonders in Verbindung mit #Laravel und #Backpack).
Interessiert sich für ßeibersecurity. Auf Ausbildungs- oder Jobsuche.
Life: #Computertruhe #Stromgitarrenbau #Bezirksbeirat
siezer*innen, bluesky- und fefe-booster werden geblockt.
Paul Marques Mota
@[email protected]Sur Paris.
Franz van Betteraey
@[email protected]#Umwelt, #Energiewende, #Soziales, #Fahrrad, #mdRzA, #Software, #Java - in #Herzogenrath bei #Aachen | #NRW