90 awesome JavaScript projects on Mastodon.

@[email protected]Das Medienmagazin: übermedien.de
MDN Web Docs
@[email protected]MDN Web Docs is an open-source, collaborative project that documents web platform technologies, including CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Web APIs.
We also provide extensive learning resources for aspiring developers and students.
@[email protected]API, Web & Cloud Experts. API Platform creators. Symfony core contributors and maintainers.
Devs PHP/JS/Python/Go/Rust.
Self-managed and egalitarian company (Scop/co-op).
Webdev Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #JavaScript, #CSS, #Wasm, etc.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/webdev
ECMAScript News
@[email protected]ECMAScript News – JavaScript and tools:
– All links: here on Mastodon
– Weekly email with additional information: https://ECMAScript.News
@[email protected]Open-source web development tool for PHP and Node.js websites
@[email protected]
Bluesky 🦋
#Computersicherheit und #Datenschutz.
Neuigkeiten aus dem IT-Bereich.
@[email protected]Software developer with a focus on front-end web development.
Working for @9elements, an agency for design, software, firmware and security.
@[email protected]HTML5 Game Development community started by @end3r from @EnclaveGames. Follow Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter for up-to-date web gamedev news. #gamedevjs
@[email protected]↱code ⟷ sound ↲ :: Creator of <zeroone> and <line> for live coding music :: #01livecoding #linelivecoding :: Coding usually in c++;some C, JS, Lua and Maxmsp :: Lisboa
@[email protected]GetNextJSThemes.com is a platform offering a wide collection of free and premium templates built with Next.js.
JavaScript Weekly
@[email protected]This bot posts the JavaScript Weekly newsletter. This is not an official account. Maintained by @lex
Puzzle ITC
@[email protected]We develop open source solutions with Linux, Kubernetes, Ansible, Java, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and UX
@[email protected]Stitching together the best #openSource technologies to help #campaigns, #charities and not-for-profits communicate beautifully.
#CiviCRM #php #javascript #webDev #alpinejs #svelte #vue #ProcessWire #developer #nfp Oxford #uk #fullStack #floss
@[email protected]Find us at https://cloudcannon.com/
A CMS that developers AND editors love 💙 Powered by Git.
Use your favorite tools: Eleventy, Hugo, Jekyll, Next.js, Astro, SvelteKit, Gatsby, Nuxt, MkDocs, and more!
@[email protected]We help startups & enterprises build and maintain products designed to scale.
Need to upgrade Rails? Check out https://ruby.social/@FastRuby
Need to upgrade JavaScript? Check out https://upgradejs.com
@[email protected]Join our newbie-friendly #retrodev Discord server to ask questions, show off, teach or learn.
Evergreen Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Js3uUrc
@[email protected]🌐 Bringing Web3 & Blockchain to life | 🎮 Pioneering in decentralized gaming | 🖼 Creating unique NFT experiences | Unlocking the power of next-gen technology
Building @mintworld @cantoverse @alicegame
#fedi22 #blockchain #ai #ml #python #solidity #javascript #ethereum #vyper #bitcoin #web3
Enclave Games
@[email protected]Indie Game Development Studio focused on mobile HTML5 games founded by @end3r. Publisher of the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter.
@[email protected]Working on supply chain security for JS. meet.js Poland organizer. Node.js user since v0.8.
Addicted to teaching.