66 awesome Julia accounts on Mastodon.
Adam H. Sparks
@[email protected]Professor studying/working with biometry, agricultural modelling and data analytics. Former geonerd, now just a nerd, co-founder of @openplantpathology and editor for @rOpenSci.
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Daniel Lakeland
@[email protected]Applied Mathematician, Julia programmer, father of two amazing boys, official coonhound mix mutt-walker.
PhD in Civil Engineering. Debian Linux user since ca. 1994.
Bayesian data analysis iconoclast
@[email protected]LabPlot is a #free, #opensource and cross-platform #data #visualization and #analysis #software #accessible to everyone and trusted by professionals.
• High-quality interactive plotting
• Reliable and easy data analysis, statistics, regression, curve and peak fitting
• Computing with interactive Notebooks (Python R Julia Octave and more)
• Data extraction from plots and support for live data
• Smooth data import and export (many file formats)
• Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Haiku, GNU
@[email protected]He/him ♂️. Trophy spouse 🏆, #neurodiverse ♾️. #cats 🐈, #maths 🧮️, politics 🗳, #JuliaLang :julia:, #gaming 🎲🎮. #TransRights 🏳️⚧️ #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
@[email protected]Union data scientist and working parent. Interested in reproducible research methods (#r13y), #RStats, #JuliaLang, living sustainably (bicycling, walking, reducing, and reusing), being outside, and many nerdy hobbies (#TTRPG, #HamRadio).
@[email protected]Deep Learning and Biomedical engineering. JuliaLang stan. He/Him.
David W. Body
@[email protected]Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.
Interests include #climate, #data, #economics, #electronics, #emacs, #fitness, #julia, #machine_learning, #math, #probability, #python, #retro_computing, #rstats, #ruby, #running, #science, #software, #vintage_computing
Polk City, Iowa.
Hylke Rozema
@[email protected]Stumbling forward in live. I'm a data scientist, a business analyst 📊🔦💡and baroque and classical horn player 📯, in #Heelsum, #Netherlands. Born @340ppm. Loving nature and birds. My side quests? Trailrunning 🏃🏻♂️ , climbing 🧗♀️, healthconscious lifestyle, guiding my little knights through the mystic land of Kanji and the thrilling duels of fencing 🤺. Tags: #Python #rstats #julia #SQL #science #trailrun !
Artem Pelenitsyn
@[email protected]Postdoc at Purdue. PhD in CS. Programming languages and compilers. Julia, Haskell.
Jed Brown
@[email protected]Prof at #CU_Boulder developing fast algorithms, reliable software, and healthy communities for scientific computing (https://PhyPID.org) | dad/alpinist/skier/runner | he/him
#PETSc #JOSS_TheOJ #libCEED #justice #OpenSource #CFD #FEA #HPC #RustLang #JuliaLang
#Boulder #alpinism #skimo #TrailRunning
Emmanuel R
@[email protected]Long term engineer who started with traditional AI. Recovering banker.
Lover of R and Julia. Rust is growing on me. Frequently relapsing into Common Lisp.
Interests in geospatial AI, financial risk management, probabilistic modelling.
Always looking for new opportunities to grow.
Michal Sojka
@[email protected]Researcher at CTU, CIIRC; Embedded and real-time systems; Linux ; FOSS, #NixOS, #ROS, #Emacs , #JuliaLang
Brent Daignault
@[email protected]Engineer, University of Calgary
Scientific Programmer and Modeller
C++, Go, Julia, Fortran
Gravity Data Processing and Mapping
Leif Denby
@[email protected]weather & climate scientist, Julia enthusiast, excited about clouds and discovering science with machine learning - 🇩🇰🇬🇧 - https://leif.denby.eu, http://sciml-leeds.github.io - scientist at https://dmi.dk
Georg Rüppel
@[email protected]Ornithologist at @UniOldenburg, keen birder & ringer #ornithology #birdmigration #motus | Bayesian nerd #julialang #rstats #stan | Open source enthusiast #debian #foss | Occasional sound recordist #bioacoustics
PyData Granada
@[email protected]Somos una comunidad donde compartir buenas prácticas, nuevos enfoques y tecnologías para la gestión, el procesamiento, el análisis y la visualización de datos. Las comunidades de PyData abordan la ciencia de datos utilizando muchos lenguajes, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) Python, Julia y R. ¡Únete a nuestras reuniones!
Fernando Miguel Hahne
@[email protected]Theoretical physics postdoc at UESC, Brazil. Studying topological solitons using mathematical and computational physics with #JuliaLang.
Volker K. 🏳️🌈
@[email protected]PhD student (he/him) in #quantum physics at the IST Austria
• Topological phases • Statistical physics • Dynamical systems • #julialang • #Philosophy of Science • #firstgen • Music • #chess & #go
Kevin Bonham 🚽🦠👨🏼🔬
@[email protected]Researcher studying microbial communities. Microbiome 🦠 development is child 👶 development.
Also interested in ⬆️ diversity in computational biology.
Ask me about #julialang
Ari Meier
@[email protected]I’m an #artist, #author, #pianist, #keyboardist in #indierock band, Internet Islands. I do #SEO but am interested in #datascience. I smile for #architecture, #maths, #sociology #statistics, ending #algorithmicbias, #dataviz, #python, #rstats, and #julialang.