55 awesome Julia developers on Mastodon.

Human julia Julia
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Pietro Monticone
@[email protected]

• Studying mathematics at the University of Trento, Italy.
• Formalising mathematics using the proof assistant. 
• Developing free open source software in the programming language.

Last posted 1 week ago
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Following 17
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Edmund Miller
@[email protected]

PhD Candidate @ UT Dallas in the Functional Genomics Lab
nf-core maintainer
Office mate to @monimiller


Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 848
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Following 911
Jonathan Carroll
@[email protected]

primarily but learning , , , , , and many others

rstats julia rust python bash

Happy to also talk , , , , and lots more

Working remotely from Adelaide, South Australia

Last posted 1 day ago
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Adam H. Sparks rstats
@[email protected]

Professor studying/working with biometry, agricultural modelling and data analytics. Former geonerd, now just a nerd, co-founder of @openplantpathology and editor for @rOpenSci.


Pronouns: He/Him/His


Last posted Less than a day ago
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Union data scientist and working parent. Interested in reproducible research methods (), , , living sustainably (bicycling, walking, reducing, and reusing), being outside, and many nerdy hobbies (, ).

Last posted 1 day ago
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Prof at developing fast algorithms, reliable software, and healthy communities for scientific computing (PhyPID.org) | dad/alpinist/skier/runner | he/him

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 700
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The S Kate M 💛💙
@[email protected]


Other interests include: food and travel

Non-technical person with a love for science + tech
Robertson Screwdriver Owner.

Math-challenged, but find the subject interesting

Canada’s capital city

Last posted 1 day ago
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prefix.dev software engineer by 🏙️
GNOME developer by 🌃
I like languages.
Rust, Python and Julia with 💻,
German, English, Dutch and Chinese with 🧑.

Last posted 1 week ago
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He/him ♂️. Trophy spouse 🏆, ♾️. 🐈, 🧮️, politics 🗳, :julia:, 🎲🎮. 🏳️‍⚧️ firstnations

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,974
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Following 235
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Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 6,162
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Following 426
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Artem Pelenitsyn
@[email protected]

Postdoc at Purdue. PhD in CS. Programming languages and compilers. Julia, Haskell.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 152
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Following 97
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Fausto Marques Pinheiro Junior
@[email protected]

My life's like:
➡️ (BA) Law;
➡️ (MA) Philosophy of Law;
➡️ (BSc) Statistics;
➡️ (MSc) Applied Math
🎙️💬 : FOSS, Math, Julia, Haskell and Communism. He/Him

Last posted 2 weeks ago
Posts 134
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Following 146
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I’m an , , , in band, Internet Islands. I do but am interested in . I smile for , , , ending , , , , and .

Last posted 3 months ago
Posts 26
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Following 8
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Researcher at CTU, CIIRC; Embedded and real-time systems; Linux tux; FOSS, , , emacs,

Last posted 2 weeks ago
Posts 186
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Following 176
David W. Body
@[email protected]

Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.

Interests include , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Polk City, Iowa.



Last posted 1 week ago
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Communist, engineer, interested in scientific machine learning, julia and rust stan,
pronoun.is/he/him/his ||☭||⚧️||💗💛💙||+=+||

Last posted 3 months ago
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Following 231
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weather & climate scientist, Julia enthusiast, excited about clouds and discovering science with machine learning - 🇩🇰🇬🇧 - leif.denby.eu, sciml-leeds.github.io - scientist at dmi.dk

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 335
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Georg Rüppel
@[email protected]

Ornithologist at @UniOldenburg, keen birder & ringer | Bayesian nerd julia rstats stan | Open source enthusiast tux | Occasional sound recordist

Last posted 1 day ago
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student of warblers, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, goshawks, etc.; Professor at ; opinions my own; celebrating diversity; ; 🏳️‍🌈; he/him; fan of ; above is a Winter (not Pacific) Wren 🤪

Last posted 5 days ago
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Following 337
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Biologist interested in statistics, data science, free software and security.

Last posted 4 months ago
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