55 awesome Julia developers on Mastodon.

Human julia Julia
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prefix.dev software engineer by 🏙️
GNOME developer by 🌃
I like languages.
Rust, Python and Julia with 💻,
German, English, Dutch and Chinese with 🧑.

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
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Pietro Monticone
@[email protected]

• Studying mathematics at the University of Trento, Italy.
• Formalising mathematics using the proof assistant. 
• Developing free open source software in the programming language.

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
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Scholar @ CSHL

Maintaining () to procrastinate

Previously EE PhD at UW-Madison, Comp. Eng. / math at Rose-Hulman

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
Posts 306
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Following 237
David W. Body
@[email protected]

Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.

Interests include , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Polk City, Iowa.



Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
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Following 575
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I’m an , , and . I do but am interested in . I smile for , , , ending , , , , and .

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
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Following 20
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weather & climate scientist, Julia enthusiast, excited about clouds and discovering science with machine learning - 🇩🇰🇬🇧 - leif.denby.eu, sciml-leeds.github.io - scientist at dmi.dk

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
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Expert at dissecting functions with wiggles ( ). Stans , begrudging respect for . Currently building epidemic data tooling with Delphi (delphi.cmu.edu/). Looking to do good well via and other means. Still trying to figure all this out.

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
Posts 145
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Following 100
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Researcher at CTU, CIIRC; Embedded and real-time systems; Linux tux; FOSS, , , emacs,

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
Posts 186
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Following 176
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Fausto Marques Pinheiro Junior
@[email protected]

My life's like:
➡️ (BA) Law;
➡️ (MA) Philosophy of Law;
➡️ (BSc) Statistics;
➡️ (MSc) Applied Math
🎙️💬 : FOSS, Math, Julia, Haskell and Communism. He/Him

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
Posts 134
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Following 146
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🌺 Casada.💕
🌺 Mãe de um casal André e Julia.💞
🌺 Espirita por amor...💕💕💕
✨ Deus, Cristo e caridade como lema de vida.✨
🌺 Apaixonada por livros...💕
🌺 Amente de tudo que edifica a minha alma.

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
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writer. performer. biologist. author of Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us & How We Can Fight Back, plus Whipping Girl, Excluded, & 99 Erics. current music project is *soft vowel sounds*. more at juliaserano.com. she/her

Last posted ▼ 3 weeks ago
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Profile pic alt text: An aesthetically arranged collection of books, flowers, and knitting materials. The books include: "The Complete Brambly Hedge," "Julia's House for Lost Creatures," "Little Women," and "Sam, Bangs & Moonshine." The scene is complemented with a knitted piece in progress, balls of yarn, white flowers and a cup of coffee, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Last posted ▼ 3 weeks ago
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Volker K. 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

PhD student (he/him) in physics at the IST Austria
• Topological phases • Statistical physics • Dynamical systems • of Science • • Music • &

Last posted ▼ 3 weeks ago
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Following 680
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Aleksandar Tomasevic
@[email protected]

Computational social scientist. Assistant Professor @ University of Novi Sad, Department of Sociology.

geek and inclined to geek out about

Last posted ▼ 1 month ago
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@[email protected]

Journalist and author of Julia Child's memoir, MY LIFE IN FRANCE, and most recently DINNER WITH THE PRESIDENT. president

Last posted ▼ 1 month ago
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Bienen faszinieren mich immer mehr, seitdem ich imkere. Ich verwende das Beutenmaß Warré und imkere im Mobilbau.
Ich habe ein Katzengeschwisterpärchen Jan und Julia.
Außerdem fotografiere ich gerne und bin fast ausschließlich mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.
Ich nutze gern LibreOffice, gimp, inkscape, xnview am Computer.

Last posted ▼ 1 month ago
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I like computers, Korean, and computers-and-Korean.

Language and keyboard stuff @Google and PhD student in Tokyo.
Georgia Tech -> 연세대학교 -> 東京工業大学.

Interested in high school CS education.



- High School CS

Last posted ▼ 1 month ago
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Kevin Bonham 🚽🦠👨🏼‍🔬
@[email protected]

Researcher studying microbial communities. Microbiome 🦠 development is child 👶 development.

Also interested in ⬆️ diversity in computational biology.

Ask me about


Last posted ▼ 1 month ago
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Michael DeWitt
@[email protected]

Infectious disease researcher and applied statistician. Doing Bayesian stuff with , , and . (He/him)

Last posted ▼ 1 month ago
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