73 awesome Julia accounts on Mastodon.

Volker K. 🏳️🌈
@[email protected]PhD student (he/him) in #quantum physics at the IST Austria
• Topological phases • Statistical physics • Dynamical systems • #julialang • #Philosophy of Science • #firstgen • Music • #chess & #go
@[email protected]He/him ♂️. Trophy spouse 🏆, #neurodiverse ♾️. #cats 🐈, #maths 🧮️, politics 🗳, #JuliaLang :julia:, #gaming 🎲🎮. #TransRights 🏳️⚧️ #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
Julia Rojas
@[email protected]Lectora y escritora empedernidas. Química en mis ratos libres.
Escribo para mí misma desde que tengo uso de razón, especialmente #poesía y #cuentos.
Ahora experimento con los versos y lo comparto en Mastodon, con el seudónimo de Julia Rojas.
Por supuesto, también vengo a leeros.
ALT perfil: la de mi foto de perfil es la escritota Lucia Berlin, de lado, con expresión pensativa o soñadora, con jersey gris y sosteniendo un cigarrillo con su mano izquierda.
The S Kate M 💛💙
@[email protected]MOSTLY Cats!
Other interests include: food and travel
Non-technical person with a love for science + tech
Robertson Screwdriver Owner.
#JuliaKitten #KittenJacques #Cats #MastoCats #CatsofMastodon
#FediCats #CatsOfTheFediverse
Math-challenged, but find the subject interesting
Canada’s capital city
Darren Irwin
@[email protected]student of warblers, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, goshawks, etc.; Professor at #UBC; opinions my own; celebrating diversity; #BlackLivesMatter; 🏳️🌈; he/him; fan of #JuliaLang ; above is a Winter (not Pacific) Wren 🤪
Chris Lombardi
@[email protected]Header: Cover of book BLUE:SEASON, with art by Julia L. Kay and photo by Kyle Cassidy. Profile pic: midaged lady with cat. Journalist, novelist, aspiring anti-racist. #Disabled 40+ years from MS. Bronx-born Philadelphian. .Author of BLUE: SEASON (Mumblers Press) and I AIN'T MARCHING ANYMORE (The New Press). On Twitter at @CrisAintMarchin, for now. DSA Democrat, help edit DSA mag Democratic Left Online.Also @counter.social, and [email protected]. #Lesbian, married to .@LinuxAndYarn
David W. Body
@[email protected]Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.
Interests include #climate, #data, #economics, #electronics, #emacs, #fitness, #julia, #machine_learning, #math, #probability, #python, #retro_computing, #rstats, #ruby, #running, #science, #software, #vintage_computing
Polk City, Iowa.
Juliana Rotich
@[email protected]Used to be @afromusing @julianarotich on bird site
interested in the business of Fintech. Compass: build, Fix, Help others. Tech entrepreneur, board member, constructive value for society
Michael DeWitt
@[email protected]Infectious disease researcher and applied statistician. Doing Bayesian stuff with #rstats, #stan, and #julia. (He/him)
Rutger van Sleen
@[email protected](Sterren)vader van Julia, Lotte* & Oscar. Echte #nerd: #OpenSource / #Linux / #Debian, muziekfan, IRC-gek. Kankerpatiënt met verstreken houdbaarheidsdatum. Vraag me gerust over deze dingen.
Aleksandar Tomasevic
@[email protected]Computational social scientist. Assistant Professor @ University of Novi Sad, Department of Sociology.
#linux geek and inclined to geek out about #rstats #python #julialang #latex
Adam Wysokiński
@[email protected]professor of psychiatry at the Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders, MUL
developer of NeuroAnalyzer (https://neuroanalyzer.org)
🦡, black coffee, music, movies and books, trekking, running, bikepacking, Debian Linux, Julia, FOSS, anti-corporate
Kevin Bonham 🚽🦠👨🏼🔬
@[email protected]Researcher studying microbial communities. Microbiome 🦠 development is child 👶 development.
Also interested in ⬆️ diversity in computational biology.
Ask me about #julialang
Solver Max
@[email protected]We help you make better optimization models in either Excel (using Solver and OpenSolver) or Python (using Pyomo, OR Tools, Pulp, etc).
Learning Julia JuMP to be like the cool kids.
#orms #Python #Excel #optimization #julialang
@[email protected]Ystadegydd wedi gweithio mewn sawl maes, iechyd oedd y diweddaraf. Arbenigwr ar ystadegau am y Gymraeg
Statistician who has worked in many fields, most recently health.
Expert on statistics relating to the Welsh language
Elijah Mathews
@[email protected]Astrophysics PhD Candidate at Penn State
One of those weird guys that writes in Julia instead of Python
Unapologetically North Dakotan, don't cha know!
Pietro Monticone
@[email protected]• Studying mathematics at the University of Trento, Italy. • Formalising mathematics using the #Lean proof assistant. • Developing free open source software in the #Julia programming language.
@[email protected]Just moved back from [email protected]
#rstats developer, #linux and #emacs user, open software supporter. Currently having fun with #clojure and #clojurescript
Blog: https://blog.teoten.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@teoten.programando
Other interests: #debian #clojure #julialang #python #webdevelopment
ignacio quintero
@[email protected]Evolutionary biologist @CNRS in the Institut de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure, Paris, #IBENS. #phylogenetics #diversification #biodiversity #macroevolution #bayesian #statistics #julialang #rstats
@[email protected]Our #opensource scientific software projects are changing the world. We support #datascience tools like pandas, #JuliaLang & #Jupyter + organize @PyData! #python