8 awesome Julia projects on Mastodon.

Théâtre de la Manufacture
@[email protected]Compte officiel du CDN Nancy Lorraine - Théâtre de la Manufacture
Direction Julia Vidit
@[email protected]Our #opensource scientific software projects are changing the world. We support #datascience tools like pandas, #JuliaLang & #Jupyter + organize @PyData! #python
PyData Granada
@[email protected]Somos una comunidad donde compartir buenas prácticas, nuevos enfoques y tecnologías para la gestión, el procesamiento, el análisis y la visualización de datos. Las comunidades de PyData abordan la ciencia de datos utilizando muchos lenguajes, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) Python, Julia y R. ¡Únete a nuestras reuniones!
Atelier McClane
@[email protected]McClane = Julia & Hugo.
Artists based in France.
@[email protected]LabPlot is a #free, #opensource and cross-platform #data #visualization and #analysis #software #accessible to everyone and trusted by professionals.
• High-quality interactive plotting
• Reliable and easy data analysis, statistics, regression, curve and peak fitting
• Computing with interactive Notebooks (Python R Julia Octave and more)
• Data extraction from plots and support for live data
• Smooth data import and export (many file formats)
• Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Haiku, GNU
Solver Max
@[email protected]We help you make better optimization models in either Excel (using Solver and OpenSolver) or Python (using Pyomo, OR Tools, Pulp, etc).
Learning Julia JuMP to be like the cool kids.
#orms #Python #Excel #optimization #julialang
ZC MAG ✂️📝🖨❤️🔥
@[email protected]Zine Crisis Mutual Assistance Group: zinesters helping zinesters! Run by @eveharmsposts
w/ help from members of Zine Crisis Discord founded by Julia Gfrörer
Julia Davis Share
@[email protected]CURATED ACCOUNT - selection of posts shared by Julia Davis (columnist The Daily Beast, creator of the Russian Media Monitor, member of The Emmys)