73 awesome Julia accounts on Mastodon.

Brendan Halpin
@[email protected]Sociologist in Limerick
Mostly playing with unrealistic computer models of real world processes
Emacs, Stata, Shiny & Rstats, Julia, Python
Linux on the desktop since about 1997
tootfinder searchable
Rutger van Sleen
@[email protected](Sterren)vader van Julia, Lotte* & Oscar. Echte #nerd: #OpenSource / #Linux / #Debian, muziekfan, IRC-gek. Kankerpatiënt met verstreken houdbaarheidsdatum. Vraag me gerust over deze dingen.
The S Kate M 💛💙
@[email protected]MOSTLY Cats!
Other interests include: food and travel
Non-technical person with a love for science + tech
Robertson Screwdriver Owner.
#JuliaKitten #KittenJacques #Cats #MastoCats #CatsofMastodon
#FediCats #CatsOfTheFediverse
Math-challenged, but find the subject interesting
Canada’s capital city
@[email protected]distributed computing for HEP
thinks teaching is important
does stuff behind the scenes for roller derby
sometimes writes pretentious essays about RPGs, SF or video games
always picked trichords in SimEarth
Ⓐ #raspi #burningwheel
mostly 🅭🅯🄎
@[email protected]He/him ♂️. Trophy spouse 🏆, #neurodiverse ♾️. #cats 🐈, #maths 🧮️, politics 🗳, #JuliaLang :julia:, #gaming 🎲🎮. #TransRights 🏳️⚧️ #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
Jed Brown
@[email protected]Prof at #CU_Boulder developing fast algorithms, reliable software, and healthy communities for scientific computing (https://PhyPID.org) | dad/alpinist/skier/runner | he/him
#PETSc #JOSS_TheOJ #libCEED #justice #OpenSource #CFD #FEA #HPC #RustLang #JuliaLang
#Boulder #alpinism #skimo #TrailRunning
Leif Denby
@[email protected]weather & climate scientist, Julia enthusiast, excited about clouds and discovering science with machine learning - 🇩🇰🇬🇧 - https://leif.denby.eu, http://sciml-leeds.github.io - scientist at https://dmi.dk
Théâtre de la Manufacture
@[email protected]Compte officiel du CDN Nancy Lorraine - Théâtre de la Manufacture
Direction Julia Vidit
Rick de Wolf 🟥
@[email protected]MSc Robotics student @ University of Twente / Focused on mathematical modeling and autonomous systems. / Occasionally interested in computer graphics and game development for robotics
Research topics that I'm interested in are probabilistic modeling, dynamical systems, information theory, and machine learning.
My main software interests are Julia, Lean and Python.
David W. Body
@[email protected]Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.
Interests include #climate, #data, #economics, #electronics, #emacs, #fitness, #julia, #machine_learning, #math, #probability, #python, #retro_computing, #rstats, #ruby, #running, #science, #software, #vintage_computing
Polk City, Iowa.
Adam Wysokiński
@[email protected]professor of psychiatry at the Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders, MUL
developer of NeuroAnalyzer (https://neuroanalyzer.org)
🦡, black coffee, music, movies and books, trekking, running, bikepacking, Debian Linux, Julia, FOSS, anti-corporate
Darren Irwin
@[email protected]student of warblers, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, goshawks, etc.; Professor at #UBC; opinions my own; celebrating diversity; #BlackLivesMatter; 🏳️🌈; he/him; fan of #JuliaLang ; above is a Winter (not Pacific) Wren 🤪
@[email protected]Union data scientist and working parent. Interested in reproducible research methods (#r13y), #RStats, #JuliaLang, living sustainably (bicycling, walking, reducing, and reusing), being outside, and many nerdy hobbies (#TTRPG, #HamRadio).
PyData Granada
@[email protected]Somos una comunidad donde compartir buenas prácticas, nuevos enfoques y tecnologías para la gestión, el procesamiento, el análisis y la visualización de datos. Las comunidades de PyData abordan la ciencia de datos utilizando muchos lenguajes, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) Python, Julia y R. ¡Únete a nuestras reuniones!
@[email protected]Just moved back from [email protected]
#rstats developer, #linux and #emacs user, open software supporter. Currently having fun with #clojure and #clojurescript
Blog: https://blog.teoten.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@teoten.programando
Other interests: #debian #clojure #julialang #python #webdevelopment
@[email protected]LabPlot is a #free, #opensource and cross-platform #data #visualization and #analysis #software #accessible to everyone and trusted by professionals.
• High-quality interactive plotting
• Reliable and easy data analysis, statistics, regression, curve and peak fitting
• Computing with interactive Notebooks (Python R Julia Octave and more)
• Data extraction from plots and support for live data
• Smooth data import and export (many file formats)
• Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Haiku, GNU
Jisell Howe
@[email protected]AEC Industry Technologist & Data Visualization Enthusiast
#AEC #BIM #DataViz #Datafam #Python #RStats #JuliaLang #Tableau #PowerBI #Sketchnotes
Julian Hofer
@[email protected]prefix.dev software engineer by 🏙️
GNOME developer by 🌃
I like languages.
Rust, Python and Julia with 💻,
German, English, Dutch and Chinese with 🧑.
Hylke Rozema
@[email protected]Stumbling forward in live. I'm a data scientist, a business analyst 📊🔦💡and baroque and classical horn player 📯, in #Heelsum, #Netherlands. Born @340ppm. Loving nature and birds. My side quests? Trailrunning 🏃🏻♂️ , climbing 🧗♀️, healthconscious lifestyle, guiding my little knights through the mystic land of Kanji and the thrilling duels of fencing 🤺. Tags: #Python #rstats #julia #SQL #science #trailrun !
ignacio quintero
@[email protected]Evolutionary biologist @CNRS in the Institut de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure, Paris, #IBENS. #phylogenetics #diversification #biodiversity #macroevolution #bayesian #statistics #julialang #rstats