Two years ago, at #KiwiPyCon, I gave an hour-long talk that aimed to show how #Python's design decisions as a piece of technology shaped the governance that's grown up around our community, making Python the massively successful tool it is.
It's one of the best pieces of writing I've done.
I'm thinking a lot about that message today, and how a lot of our community would do well to reflect on it. Watch it, share it. It's worth it :)
At #KiwiPyCon this weekend. If you see me, say hi, and remember to ask any audience questions in the form of a question!
Slice of Heaven came up in my music player. This probably means I received an email from @kiwipycon
"St Helena is where Napoleon died" – @richlitt
"Ascension is where planes go so that other people don't?" – me, silently #KiwiPyCon
I run a Python conference on a ranch, with barn cats and tractor rides. Our first speaker this year sang a song about tool proliferation. Grey, humourless, and corporate indeed. @ghickman @daisy
#nbpy #KiwiPyCon
@thejcannon Well my actual keynote from #KiwiPyCon a few years ago definitely counts: "Convention and Construction" (
If I were delivering it around October this year (or slightly longer), it'd be "20 Years Of Python _or_ The Language I Learned Back Then Doesn't Exist Anymore, and That's OK"
APPROPRIATE PHOTO @freakboy3742 #KiwiPyCon