KubeCon | CloudNativeCon North America 2024

drmorr (136)

Don't forget! My talk with @tgoodwin, called "What if Kubernetes Was a Compiler Target?" is happening later today! Come check it out!

Room 255B @ 5:25pm.

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Glad to know I'm not the only person who runs "git commit -m 'something'" on the regular. 😂

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On my way to KubeCon! I'm probably spending most of my time in the hallway track/vendor floor, but I'll be live-blogging my experience on here and on BlueSky if you're interested!

Come check out my talk at @Rejekts at 3:10 tomorrow (note the time change!), along with my talk at KubeCon on Thursday at 5:25!

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Interestingly, lots of vuln scanners break on minified Docker images because they rely on OS metadata.

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We're interacting with it via CLI because Viktor doesn't like UIs. 😂

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Multiple things can be true at the same time.

I can be excited about being at KubeCon and also distressed at... *gestures wildly*

I'm spending most of my social media presence this week on KubeCon topics, which is fun and exciting, but my blog post this week offers a... different perspective.


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Ok kubecon it was fun! See you all next year!

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The only way to succeed is to be a perfect API designer, which is hard.

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Ok now I'm going to learn why it's so damn hard to contribute to Kubernetes.

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Next we want to install tracing: we'll get to pick between Jaeger and Zipkin.

Why do we need tracing? You can learn from metrics that something is wrong, but tracing helps you understand the why.

(P.S. Simulation also helps you understand why *cough cough* simkube.dev)

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