KubeCon | CloudNativeCon North America 2024

Day 3 (56)

is contributing three projects to the to help their communities grow.:
- Podman
- Bootc
- Podman Desktop

This contribution will also help the CNCF expand into not just deployment, but desktop container development.

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Some Do Nots for at

1. No architecture diagrams with more than 5 objects. Ideally, no arch diagrams at all.

2. Slides shouldn't have more than 40 words of text.

3. Don't try to explain all of your project's features in a 5 minute keynote. Pick one, and show it off.

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Prometheus 3.0.0 officially released live during talk.

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Today’s theme is Jewel tones because is a gem! ✨

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Don't forget! My talk with @tgoodwin, called "What if Kubernetes Was a Compiler Target?" is happening later today! Come check it out!

Room 255B @ 5:25pm.

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Did you hear mentioned in a keynote? Stop by booth Q37 to learn more.

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Onsite at ? Want to learn about contributing to Kubernetes? Head over to the Project Pavillion during lunch to meet the maintainers at the Meet & Greet! Stop by and ask them about their work, how to get involved, or just say hello & thank you! sched.co/1oUD0

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A big community congratulations to this morning's awardees (in no particular order):
Tim Hockin
Aaron Crickenberger
Ben Elder
Arnaud Meukam
Davanum Srinivas
Mahamed Ali
Ricky Sadowski
Michelle Shepardson
Koray Oksay
Patryk Przekwas
Marko Mudrinić
Justin Santa Barbara
Justin Santa Barbara
Cole Wagner
Caleb Woodbine
Hippie Hacker
Linus Arver
May your work be an inspiration to the next generation of contributors and maintainers. Photos credit Kaslin Fields.

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