61 of the best Kubernetes accounts on Mastodon.
@[email protected]https://inajob.github.io/intro/index.html 電子工作、4歳の娘のパパ、Kubernetes、ものづくりなんでも
Bryan Whitehead
@[email protected]ex-Apple, ex-Yahoo, ex-Digg, ex-NASA, “i like pop music”
Kubernetes refugee
@[email protected]Josh Berkus: Kubernetes & database geek, wizard of clay and glaze, and cook. Black lives matter. Get vaccinated & wear a mask. Slava Ukraini. He/Him. Co-moderator of m6n.io.
tobru 🇨🇭 🧑🚒
@[email protected]Fan of Open Source, Kubernetes and the whole Cloud Native ecosystem. Love to tinker with IoT, LoRaWAN, sensors, ESPs and a lot more.
danielle 🏳️🌈
@[email protected]artist by nature, engineer by trade.
Kubernetes maintainer. Bringing Wasm to the cloud @ fermyon. Happiest when taking photos and blowing glass.
Steven Hilton
@[email protected]Husband. Father. Geek. Chaotic Good. A lot of #tech and a lot of #politics. Two different areas of interest with different audiences. Follow me and get both!
#ruby #progressive #javascript #empathy #rubyonrails #equality #aws #nodejs #containers #docker #kubernetes #movies #devops #scifi #punk #humanism #programming #heavymetal #webdevelopment
Formerly @mshiltonj
Dave Wood 🇨🇦
@[email protected]Software engineer, shipping products on multiple platforms, using a variety of tools including, but not limited to: Swift, Objective-C, Flutter, Dart, node.js, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, bash, zsh, php, MariaDB, Postgres…
Opinions are my own when I wrote them, perhaps not anymore.
Joel Takvorian 🦬
@[email protected]Developer at Red Hat - 0% AI Guarantee - Baklava maker - Gloomhaven player - toots 🇨🇵/🇬🇧
🌍 Provence, France.
@[email protected]Computing enthusiast, distributed systems developer, DM, NixOS and Kubernetes user, Rust and Elixir enjoyer, Dota2 player
Jorge Castro
@[email protected]🇵🇷 cncf.io/developer-relations:community
Formely: #VMware • #Heptio • #Canonical • #Ubuntu • #Kubernetes • #cloudcustodian • CNCF Ambassador Emeritus
11th ACR Vet • MSU #Spartan • Beagle Lover
I love: #metallica #megadeth #ghost #rush #tool and all sorts of #metal with a side of #aliceinchains and #faithnomore - then chilling with #pinkfloyd
Tech: and Flathub!
Věroš 🦥 K.
@[email protected]Freelance Cloud Enthusiast | DevOps believer | Doing Kubernetes, Ansible and AWS for living | Living on the edge of the Gaussian distribution.
Rocky Lhotka 🤘🖖
@[email protected]🧑 he/him
🧑💻 Open-source creator (#cslanet and more)
🤵 VP of Strategy @ Xebia; Chief Software Architect @ Marimer LLC
🎗️ #MicrosoftMVP and RD Program member
🧑💻 #dotnet, #azure, #kubernetes, #blazor, #WebAssembly, #wasm
🙏 Other people don't need to live by your beliefs
#a11y, #BlackLivesMatter, #OneLove
🏓 #rock, #metal, #LiveMusic, #ttrpg, #travel, #outdoors, #scifi, #speculativefiction, #sff, #comics, #fishing, #pcgaming
Java with Jiva
@[email protected]Engineering manager at Apple. I have experience with Java Virtual Machines, Linux and Solaris kernels, Kubernetes, and CPU design. I'm a past contributor to the development of the Sun/Oracle HotSpot JVM compiler while working at Sun and AMD. In addition, I have US Patents for code generation, virtualization, and graphics acceleration of code.
Tim Stoop
@[email protected]Managed operations, currently Kubernetes, helped develop CKAv2, company owner
Markus Eisele
@[email protected]Something at @RedHat. Legal thinks you need to know that I'm speaking for myself here. I believe you knew. #Java #Kubernetes #quarkus #OpenShift and more #fedi22
Kyle Taylor
@[email protected]Scientist and software engineer (#botany, #geology, #python, #go, #c, #rust, #linux, #freebsd, #kubernetes, #geospatial, #computervision, #sql, #foss). I study the intersection of technology, climate change, economics, and agriculture. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
@[email protected] SysAdmin &&
(Cloud | Platform | GitOps) Engineer
DevOps Enthusiast
> DevOps is a Culture
Father of Bia & Artur
Guardian of && \
Pacoca (Male Golden Retriever) && \
Tweet (Female Tricolor Cat)
Living in #Brasilia DF/Brazil
Made in Campo Grande/MS/Brazil
Raised in the South #Pantanal Wetland
Version 43.2
Initital build 1981.05.12.0002
#Neurodiversity #ADHD #MDD
#Tode #OkinawaTe
#KarateDo #ShitoRyuKai
#BlackBelt 🥋
#DevOps #GitOps #CloudNative
#Agile #SRE #IaC #Infrastructure
#OpenSource #OpenKnowledge
#Kubernetes #Rancher #Puppet
#Firestarter #Innovation
Surfing on the 🌎 since 1995.
/me is the founder of Bolha.io Collective.
The answer is 42
Toots in 🇧🇷 and 🇺🇸
Posts will expire in 1 week.
GutoCarvalho.Net & GCN.sh
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.
Marcos Lobo 💙💛
@[email protected]Tech Lead @Nexthink, former @cern
Writing The Optimist Engineer 🗞️ https://newsletter.optimistengineer.com (@optimistengineer)
Science is the answer. Opinions are my own
#leadership #microservices #cloud #cloudnative #micronaut #kubernetes #cloudnativeasturias #platformengineering #optimistengineer
Rory McCune
@[email protected]Containers, Security, Kubernetes, Hillwalking
Shane Sveller
@[email protected]#Elixir, #Kubernetes, #Rustlang #Rust
I'm interested in compilers, parsers, ASTs, custom LSP implementations and database/query engines - specifically those written in Rust.
Rather interested in #RDF and #SemanticWeb but deeply deeply skeptical about all forms and usecases of AI.