191 awesome Kubernetes developers on Mastodon.

Human kubernetes Kubernetes
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Ian Coldwater 📦💥
@[email protected]

Kubernetes SIG Security co-chair, container escape artist, goose in the mainframe. Minneapolis. Stay punk 🏴

Last posted 2 weeks ago
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Chris "Not So" Short 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

Open Source Diplomat | Kubernetes Contributor | Developer Advocate | r/devopsish | Disabled Veteran | Detroit | Work @AWSOpen | He/Him/His | Views solely mine | Toots auto-delete after 3 months | Resident Engineer/Scientist/Physicist for Max, age 8

Last posted Less than a day ago
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* Does Go, Kubernetes, Authentication for a living (previously 🐝👩‍🏫🔐🤖)
* Train lover sncb
* Retro thinker in the weekends win3_progman 
* Open Source fanatic (previously Crazy Gopher Lady)
* Sysadmin for cute sharks BlobhajTinyHeart

Warning: there will be lots of train content 🚂

Quotes from my readers:

“Do you work for us?” - “Infrabel PR team and several NMBS employees”

“Belgiums biggest rail geek” - Braid

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 14,202
Followers ▼ 3,371
Following 359
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/home/gutocarvalho bolha
@[email protected]

terminal SysAdmin &&
(Cloud | Platform | GitOps) Engineer idle

DevOps Enthusiast
> DevOps is a Culture

linux apple_old_logo bash docker kubernetes git_logo gitlab_logo cloud lgbt_heart


Father of Bia & Artur

Guardian of && \
Pacoca (Male Golden Retriever) && \
Tweet (Female Tricolor Cat)

Living in DF/Brazil
Made in Campo Grande/MS/Brazil
Raised in the South Wetland

Version 43.2
Initital build 1981.05.12.0002



Surfing on the 🌎 since 1995.

/me is the founder of Bolha.io bolha Collective.

The answer is 42


Toots in 🇧🇷 and 🇺🇸

Posts will expire in 1 week.

GutoCarvalho.Net & GCN.sh


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

Last posted 1 day ago
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🇵🇷 cncf.io/developer-relations:community

Formely: • CNCF Ambassador Emeritus

11th ACR Vet • MSU • Beagle Lover

I love: and all sorts of with a side of and - then chilling with

Tech: kubernetes fedora steam shipping_container and Flathub!

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 664
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Spring Developer Advocate (Java Champion & Kotlin Google Developer expert ) VMware Tanzu 
Check out joshlong.com for international names, books, podcast, screencasts, & Livelessons 🍃🐲
twitter.com/starbuxman for the bird site 
Production for everything else!

Last posted 3 months ago
Posts 1,112
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Following 202
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Markus Eisele
@[email protected]

Something at @RedHat. Legal thinks you need to know that I'm speaking for myself here. I believe you knew. and more

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 585
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Ann Arborite, computerist, cat dad, best on the mountain, my initials are BAD so all my ideas are BAD ideas. . keybase.io/bdimcheff. DM for signal.

also @bdimcheff on a2mi.social for Ann Ann Arboreal things.

were a mistake but I do etc. I like in particular and in general. Have been known to .

Last posted 5 months ago
Posts 337
Followers ▼ 1,785
Following 979
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danielle 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

queer photographer, programmer, and cyclist. Kubernetes maintainer. Bringing WASM to the Cloud @ Fermyon.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 484
Followers ▼ 1,752
Following 519
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Jérôme Petazzoni
@[email protected]

Containers, DevOps, Kubernetes, Music.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,927
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Following 353
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Felicitas Pojtinger 🌅
@[email protected]
Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,498
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Following 175
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Containers, Security, Kubernetes, Hillwalking

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 616
Followers ▼ 965
Following 329
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Rocky Lhotka 🤘🖖
@[email protected]

🧑 he/him

🧑‍💻 Open-source creator ( and more)

🤵 VP of Strategy @ Xebia; Chief Software Architect @ Marimer LLC

🎗️ and RD Program member

🧑‍💻 , , , , ,

🙏 Other people don't need to live by your beliefs
, ,

🏓 , , , , , , , , , , ,

🖼️ pixelfed.social/@rockylhotka

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 625
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Andy Randall 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

cloud / containers / kubernetes / linux things @azure; formerly cco @ kinvolk, founder @ tigera/calico, gm/corp dev/mktg @ metaswitch; he/him; berlin, berkeley, seattle, london, or somewhere in my 1978 vw westfalia

Last posted 1 day ago
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Ana Margarita Medina
@[email protected]

she/her/ella 🇨🇷🇳🇮🏳️‍🌈

i do computer things, and tell computers to go beep boop. Staff Developer Advocate, , Release Team v1.25 - v1.28, Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee, Keptn Governance and Advisory Board, AWS Community Builder, and co-host for @oncallmemaybe podcast.

brains are cool, and you should take care of it

ex: Gremlin, Uber, Google, UCSC

Last posted 4 months ago
Posts 202
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Following 182
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🧰 Tinkerer 👨🏻‍💻
🐜 Platform Engineer at Giant Swarm
☁️ Civo Ambassador | CNCF Ambassador
☸️ Kubernetes enthusiast
💭 All opinions my own
♂️ he/him

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,042
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Following 306
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Doug Hellmann
@[email protected]

Developer, editor, and author. DE at Red Hat. OpenStack, Kubernetes, OpenShift, MicroShift. There is always room for pie.

Last posted 5 days ago
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Following 204
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SRE-SWE || somewhere between .NET and PowerPoint, PowerShell and Word, but definitely the one writing the documentation || into K8s and fun with networks || photography nerd || Jiu-Jitsu is the cure for work induced rage but also the reason for a fucked up knee

Last posted 3 weeks ago
Posts 418
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Following 195
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Container & Kubernetes tinkerer.

Wrote "Using Docker" (O'Reilly).
DevRel at chainguard.dev and .
Bad guitarist.


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 362
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Following 265
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Kubernetes SIG Releases tech lead by night. Software Engineer @ Chainguard by day. World cyclist.

Last posted 6 months ago
Posts 140
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