Here are my first impressions using Statamic for my own site.
It's built on Laravel, and has some unique ideas for how to create a static website!
"Programming is really difficult."
"Binary numbers are hard."
"Maybe one boy in this class will understand it, but not any girls."
... what we tell kids and young developers can negatively impact their view of the industry.
Nina Karisik with "Developerhood"
Bit of a different concept... not sure what to expect but we were asked to text a descriptive prompt
Here's my prompt
Mentorship helps everyone
Also consider the bus factor / lottery factor. It's not just seniors mentoring juniors... but employees helping each other to understand.
Junior developers have fresh perspectives and it's worth encouraging them to speak up.
"It didn't work when we tried it last time."
Why don't you try it again?
Companies change. Situations change. And with the energy and excitement of junior devs ... the result might be different this time.
Senior developers have a role to play in encouraging junior developers.
But why should you hire junior devs?
Tapping into the power of junior developers
Presented by Rissa Jackson
Accessibility is HARD, no matter what people say. It takes effort to implement it.
Follow "Atomic Habits" by James Clear if you want to improve your motivation and make it easier to improve your product's accessibility for users.