120 awesome Laravel accounts on Mastodon.

laravel Laravel
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Ça parle de , un peu d' et parfois du code, mais uniquement par erreur. Et de temps en temps , de la et de la aussi.

Cuisinier/pâtissier pour les 2 amours de ma vie (les plus belles filles du monde, évidemment).
Si tu ne sais pas pourquoi tu es là, sache que moi non plus...
Membre officiel de la team "Pompe à têtards débranchée !".

Président de @derailleurs_14

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 751
Followers 212
Following ▼ 289
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Working in / development and . Recreationally, a / , and general / person.

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 375
Followers 96
Following ▼ 287
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Big tall anti-entropy machine

Maker + coder, spending most of my dev time in these days

he/him // Wisconsin, USA

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 129
Followers 67
Following ▼ 283
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Florian Brinkmann
@[email protected]

Webentwickler. . Leichtathlet.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 340
Followers 271
Following ▼ 280
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Gift Hero guy. I love Laravel/PHP, baking and cooking, my dog, and hastily writing bios

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 150
Followers 104
Following ▼ 249
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Lennart Fischer
@[email protected]

21 | 🇩🇪 | WWDC18 Scholar | Student @RWTH | @CodeForNRN Co-Lead | iOS / Android / (Laravel) Web-Developer | Mein Moers app

Last posted 3 weeks ago
Posts 66
Followers 47
Following ▼ 230
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Chris Morrell
@[email protected]

Father of two. Mostly talking about and on social media. He/him.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 285
Followers 237
Following ▼ 219
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Give me WordPress, Laravel, Vue.js

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 145
Followers 28
Following ▼ 208
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Tim Van Dijck
@[email protected]

developer living in Belgium.
Advocating for an open internet.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 358
Followers 152
Following ▼ 198
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California Ex-Pat
NYC Hell's Kitchen resident since 2011
NY Mets Fan
Left leaning politics
Out and proud gay male
Cat person
Tech small business owner
Linux user/enthusiast
SysAdmin / DevOps specialist
PHP/Laravel developer

Current active products deployed and/or in development
- Event Planning System (EPS) for bird festivals
- Bobolink bird festival manager
- Convention Manager
- Helpline Manager
- Digital voice call-center platform
- Timeline history logger

Last posted 2 months ago
Posts 64
Followers 79
Following ▼ 189

Web developer with Go, PHP/Laravel, Javascript/Vue and various Linux. Building @vikunja. he/him

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 66
Followers 124
Following ▼ 189
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Software developer. Big into & .

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 99
Followers 22
Following ▼ 185
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Yusuf Bouzekri
@[email protected]

I also go by Joseph sometimes.

Web Artisan laravel Gopher golang full-time linux user

Aside from tech stuff: I like board games, genealogy and hiking.

Last posted 2 months ago
Posts 820
Followers 336
Following ▼ 185
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Andras Bacsai
@[email protected]

🛠️ Solopreneur ┆ 💜 &


I’m sharing my journey, ups, and downs, project insights, upcoming projects & everything related to , , , , , , , and .

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,305
Followers 977
Following ▼ 180
@[email protected]





smiled_shiro confused_kyoji smiled_kohaku

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 23,306
Followers 114
Following ▼ 172
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🧑‍💻 Full Stack Developer
🚀 Laravel, Filament, Livewire, Vue, Inertia
🌍 Germany

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 636
Followers 141
Following ▼ 171
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Marcus Bointon
@[email protected]

Skier, biker, PHP coder, PHPMailer maintainer, Laravel fan, sysadmin, pentester, privacy advocate, speaker, baker, Stack Overflow answerer, DBA, guitarist, daddy, in French alps

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 959
Followers 206
Following ▼ 171

A movie-loving, bike-riding, full-stack web developer from the UK.

I love writing HTML, CSS & JavaScript as well as PHP and MySQL. Laravel and Tailwind are my frameworks of choice.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 603
Followers 130
Following ▼ 168
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Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 891
Followers 2,277
Following ▼ 165
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PHP Developer for and | Freelancer | In love with

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 224
Followers 15
Following ▼ 160