131 awesome Laravel accounts on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Existence is pain. I love raccoons.
Hi! I'm a web artisan in Taiwan. I make web applications with #Laravel #PHP, #Vue, #Inertia, and #TailwindCSS.
Avatar by [redwk34](https://redwk34.tumblr.com)
Joel Clermont
@[email protected]Organizer of Milwaukee PHP. Co-host of No Compromises #podcast. Helping #PHP and #Laravel developers level up their skills.
Mike Wink
@[email protected]Laravel Builder, Craft CMS Lover, Kirby CMS Believer and now Rust learner.
Beau Simensen – phpc.social
@[email protected]Technology Strategy Consultant
#EventSourcing #EventStorming #DomainDrivenDesign #ProductManagement #TechnicalProductManagement #DevLife #ddd #php #fedi22
Emily chole
@[email protected]Choose Binary Informatics for tailored full stack web development services that bring your ideas to life. We excel in building high-quality, responsive, and feature-rich websites and applications using advanced technologies. Our developers combine front-end tools like Bootstrap and Angular with back-end frameworks like Django and Laravel to deliver robust solutions. We focus on creating web platforms that align with your brand\u2019s goals, enhancing user experiences and driving growth.
Out of Control 🇨🇦
@[email protected]PHP/Laravel tinkerer, SysOps, Woodworking procrastinator, old house renovator, raised on an Apple orchard, living around Québec #php #laravel #tailwindcss #livewire #alpinejs #farming #gardening #linux #macos
@[email protected]Web app developer, laravel, testing, PHP and tech in general. Probably a bit around running, dogs, movies and books.
@[email protected]Webentwickler PHP Laravel aus Berlin
@[email protected]fortrabbit
@[email protected]axeltux
@[email protected]Desarrollador web Java, Php, JavaScript y Python. DBA: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server y MongoDB
Chris S.
@[email protected]Filament
@[email protected]A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
@[email protected]25 • CS Student • #Swift & #Laravel #PHP + #Vue Developer • 2020 Swift Student Challenge Winner • #TheLegendOfZelda
Sascha P.
@[email protected]web developer, computer science student | Laravel, React.js
Mitchell McKenna
@[email protected]Software Engineer 💻 #PHP 🐘 #Laravel 🚀 #Rust 🦀 #NodeJS ⚛️ #Serverless ☁️ #Dividends 🏦 #Investing 📈 #FantasyHockey 🏒
Daniel Rotter
@[email protected]Studied and lectured Computer Science at fhvorarlberg, coorganizes VlbgWebDev and AgentConf, programming in #php, #symfony, #laravel, #javascript, #vuejs.
Currently working at Yummy Publishing, previously valantic, Sulu and MASSIVE ART.
Florian Langer
@[email protected]I love building SaaS-Apps with the TALL-Stack (#tailwind, #alpinejs, #laravel, #livewire) and #filamentPHP, creating CMS-Sites with #statamic and working as certified product owner in various #scrum and #agile #TYPO3 projects at https://in2code.de
Peter Bättig 🇨🇭
@[email protected]IT Plattformbetreiber im Weiterbildungsbereich. Lic. iur., politisch tendenziell sozial-liberal. #fedi22 #vuejs #laravel #php #nuxt #tailwindcss #politics #linux #openmage
Robert Deutz
@[email protected]PHP developer, Joomla!, JAB, Laravel, VueJS Fan. I hate meetings! But I love meeting people! #noAFD