478 awesome Linux projects on Mastodon.
Club de TéléMatique
@[email protected]The Club de TeleMatique was founded back in 1980 by European civil servants based in Luxemburg to find cheap and easy ways to keep in touch with their home country using computer and 300 bds modem. It has evolved since :-)
Sadly the club ceased to be in January 2024.
This bot automagically posts local Luxemburg news and FOSS / IT news.
🤖 maintained by @FrankauLux
Sociedade Pinguim
@[email protected]Somos um grupo de programadores amantes de Open source e de Linux
#linux #games #tecnologia #softwarelivre
Reference to the Future
@[email protected]
Posting random programming BLOBs and hashes
#programming #opensource #cpp #rustlang #java #scala #linux #embedded #webdev
@[email protected]#FOSS,
#Elektromobilität und
#ZOE Phase1
Media ex Machina 📼✈♨
@[email protected]Vulgarisation technique autour des médias, de leur production à leur diffusion, pour les curieux et les vidéastes.
Et sinon expert technique #média, dev #Java, archi logiciel, #ffmpeg #Linux #sysadmin et d'autres trucs...
(hdsdi3g sur les réseaux)
@[email protected]Nachrichtenseite für Linux, Freie Software, und Open Source. News, Artikel und Meinung für Desktop und Enterprise.
Jetzt neu mit 100% #OpenSource und #Ökostrom! 🍃⚡️
Holarse - Spielen unter Linux
@[email protected]Holarse - Linuxspiele von Linuxspielern, die unter Linux am Linuxspielen sind.
@[email protected]Previously enterprise back-end Kotlin dev. Writing for Linux, Steam, and Tablets. Learning Godot, Blender, gltf, pbr, etc.
@[email protected]3D CAD modeler, opensource software user and Blender addict. Linux OS
@[email protected]Likes any and all ridiculously weird low-level hacks
| wl-mirror dev | RP2040/RP2350 Stuff | Systems Software | C/C++ Standardese Nerd | CS@TUGraz | ArchLinux |
TuxJam Podcast
@[email protected]A show that mixes open source applications, Linux distros and ccmusic. Hosted by Andrew (@mcnalu), Dave (@thelovebug), Al (@mralc), and Kevie (@kevie). Find the show at https://tuxjam.otherside.network
📡(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips
@[email protected] #Anonymous #Git: ' http://gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu32nrg7eulyemlhxwwl6enk6ghad.onion '
#Linux #HumanRights 🛰️ #SDR #FOSS 📱 🔐 #encryption 🔏 #Privacy
📝 #Tutorials
#Peertube: https://tube.tchncs.de/video-channels/privacy__tech_tips
#Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/yourprivacytv/
@[email protected]Conseil secteur associatif et/ou culturel. #association #culture #spectacle_vivant #festival #politiques_culturelles #DD #DIY #Logiciel_Libre #Linux #Bretagne #fedi22
@[email protected]!false kontenteineris
Internet. Czas działać! 🌎
@[email protected]Walczymy o prawo do prywatności i kontroli nad technologią
Nasz zespół: @agnieszka, @ola, @arek, @kuba oraz Michał Ren
Dane fundacji:
Fundacja „Internet. Czas działać!”
ul. Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego 77a,
60-529 Poznań
NIP: 7812054633
KRS: 0001049456
Pobierz naszą wtyczkę Rentgen: https://addons.mozilla.org/pl/firefox/addon/rentgen
#fedi22 #foss #icd #internet #law #linux #opensource #prawo #privacy #programming #prywatnosc #tech #technologia #technology #web #tfr
Développement web, vélo, musique, dessin, 3D, VR, cinéma
Réarmeur démographique de niveau 3
Les sideprojects du moment :
- un client Mastodon https://statuzer.com
- une app pour vous aider à arrêter la voiture https://bikeeveryday.wizital.com
Mais aussi:
- un jeu de course
- un calculateur d'itinéraires vélo + train
- un DAW en ligne
👨💻 #dev #web #mobile #3D #VR #webaudio #gamedev
💙 #laravel #vuejs #threejs #tailwind #linux 🚴♂️ #bike
📜 #demoscene #amiga #music #drawings
@[email protected]Passionate about free software
@[email protected]Kunst kann, sollte auch, muss sogar.
Irgendwann möchte ich euch den Hedonismus erklären. Nein, das ist nicht Verschwendungssucht.
@[email protected]LabPlot is a #free, #opensource and cross-platform #data #visualization and #analysis #software #accessible to everyone and trusted by professionals.
• High-quality interactive plotting
• Reliable and easy data analysis, statistics, regression, curve and peak fitting
• Computing with interactive Notebooks (Python R Julia Octave and more)
• Data extraction from plots and support for live data
• Smooth data import and export (many file formats)
• Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD, Haiku, GNU
The Smiling Buddhas
@[email protected]We produce aural travelogues in a musical range from Ambient to Techno. We use Bitwig, Renoise and love Linux. Live a solo project, in the studio a duo via mail.