3488 awesome Linux accounts on Mastodon.
F U L L P E R M ✨🚀
@[email protected]Hello Avatar ! 🖖 👽
🌏 https://fullperm.com/hello-avatar 🚀
💖 #AI ✨ #Blender ✨ #SecondLife ✨ #MetaVerse ✨ #Linux ✨ #Crypto
@[email protected]Emacs fan, NetBSD and GNU/Linux user
I try to eat more vegetables and less meat. Trains enthusiast, fountainpen user
BuZZ-dEE ☮️ 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 🇩🇪
@[email protected]#drumandbass #linux #ukhardcore #programming #freedom #foss #peace
https://mastodon.social/@[email protected]ost
🌼 Xavier 🌼
@[email protected]Xavier, 26. I strive for a healthy balance between content of actual substance and shitposting. Add me on SpaceHey.
Bisexual 🏳️🌈, vegan 🌿, Buddhist ☸️, neoliberal/center-left 🗽, cat dad of two 🐈🐈. Located in Illinois 🌽. In a long distance relationship with my wife, who will be moving to the US 🇺🇸💖🇬🇧.
Interests include art 🎨, reading 📖, writing/blogging 📝, gaming 🎮, tech/Linux/FOSS 💻, sustainability ♻️, & all kinds of music (mostly alt/indie subgenres) 💿🎵.
Jan Vlug
@[email protected]Free software (#FOSS) - vegan 🌱 - sustainability - human, citizen, and animal rights - finance - environment - transparency - Linux - freedom - fairness - politics - NL - 🐷 - 🤍❤️🤍 - 💙💛
Steam Deck Guild
@[email protected]Die Gilde "Steam Deck Guild", ist eine Spielergemeinschaft für Menschen die auf dem Steam Deck bzw. Linux, Computerspiele spielen. Der Fokus liegt auf dem MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online, aber auch GW2, LOTRo und mehr.
The guild “Steam Deck Guild” is a gaming community for people who play computer games on the Steam Deck or Linux. The focus is on the MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online, but also GW2, LOTRo and more.
#Gaming #Games #Linux #SteamDeck #MMORPG #ElderScrollsOnline #LordOfTheRings #fedi22
Özkan 🕺
@[email protected]Software engineer, #java developer, #rust learner, JS writer,cpp/qt enjoyer, .net/c# fiddler. #postgresql #linux ❤
Mostly post about #technology and #science and randomly funny things
James Bartlett
@[email protected]#MicrosoftMVP. Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at #DesMoinesUniversity. Opinions mine. {he/him}
#ADHD #BLM #MusicProduction #SoundDesign #AudioEngineering #Bitwig #AkaiForce #Guitar #MechanicalKeyboards #PowerShell #Python #MicrosoftFabric #PowerBI #DataDojo #DataAnalytics #BusinessIntelligence #CommunityOfPractice #AzureDevOps #FOSS #OpenSource #Linux #RaspberryPi #HomeAutomation #Longboarding #Hiking #Microbrews #Travel #STEM #Philosophy #Psychology #History
fossdd ⁂
@[email protected]hey, this is my fediverse account (aka. my vent from real life).
i like open source and cats. meow. i often contribute to projects like #alpinelinux and #postmarketos.
here are some posts. uwu
Stefano Marinelli
@[email protected]BSD.cafe "Barista", Founder and System Administrator, Unix enthusiast ( #FreeBSD, #OpenBSD, #NetBSD, #DragonflyBSD, and #Linux ), with a keen eye for everything happening in this world and the fascinating beings that populate it. I enjoy #music, #photography, and, of course, #technology.
I'll be sharing posts about my interests. I'll also boost the posts from @announcements.
"I Solve Problems"
Grégory Gutierez
@[email protected]Mes pouets sont in french et parfois en anglais.
Élu local Numérique et Citoyenneté à #Malakoff et collab des élu·es Écologistes & Socialistes Conseil Départemental Hauts-de-Seine.
Ecolo des villes et praticien du #vélotaf.
Enthousiaste des #LogicielsLibres, de #Linux et du #Fédiverse. Guitariste du dimanche.
J'ai aussi un compte PixelFed : @Greguti
#LesEcologistes #EELV #LaCommune1871 #velotaf #MastoEcolo #guitarGear #Linux #LutteContreAntisémitisme #MusicIsTheBest
Lydia Vvinters
@[email protected]I am an eclectic #witchy wordsmith crafting and #writing enchantments through #fantasy novels. Beyond quills and keyboards, I unleash my creativity on #illustrations and visual #art , #naturephotography , and dabble in the mystiques of #Linux things.
I am #Dutch and #dyslexic. While I do my best to minimize errors, please forgive me for the occasional slip-up.
Profile picture: Me wearing a purple #witch hat.
@[email protected]#Motorcycle enthusiast, #atheist, #socialist and in general want the world to be a better place and to learn new things!
I’m also an #audiophile and #gamer and interested in #linux and #FOSS. #BLM #antifascist #anticapitalist #playstation #homophobia and unfortunately a blue dot in a red state.
My Linux distro is
Fedora Workstation 40
Patrick 🇮🇪 🦣
@[email protected]#Irish & 🇪🇺 #VeganⓋ🌱 #Linux 🐧 user and #Trekkie 🖖🏻, living in #Ireland.
Distro: #Debian + MATE DE.
#C64 #FLOSS #GNUplusLinux #OpenSource #StarTrek
🎂 I joined mastodon.cloud on 3-May-2017.
Chad McCullough
@[email protected]Linux, Privacy, Security Advocate | Socialist | Safe Streets Advocate, Bicycle Commuter, and Urbanist | Vegan for the animals | I dream of carfree cities | Doctor Who fan | signal: cm1967.94
#socialism #carfree #vegan #bikes #bicycles #transit #publictransit #carfreecities #linux #opensource #privacy #security #debianlinux
@[email protected]Nachrichtenseite für Linux, Freie Software, und Open Source. News, Artikel und Meinung für Desktop und Enterprise.
Jetzt neu mit 100% #OpenSource und #Ökostrom! 🍃⚡️
Jonathon Schuler
@[email protected]#ImageProcessing #SignalProcessing #Computation #Statistics #MachineLearning #Data #Physics #Astronomy #Seismology #GeneralRelativity #Paleontology #RomanEmpire #FertileCrescent #RemoteSensing #Art #Photography #BW #InfraRed #Perception #Geodesy #OpenStreetMap #Linux #Python #Cpp #OpenSource #FOSS #Privacy #RetroComputing #LoRa #Meshtastic #Digimodes #CW #WSPR #SDR
Header Description: 8-channel paper punch tape
Avatar Description: corporate head-shot
Tucker's Balz 4 Harris/Walz
@[email protected]🥥 Eye don't like to stir things up, folks.
But if Eye can fuck with Large Language Models by substituting the word "Eye" for the proper pronoun "I" -- why wouldn't Eye?
My blood pressure Rx changes frequently, perhaps explaining the quality of my posts.
If you block me, Eye have no way of knowing, just sayin'.
Eye boost A LOT. 🥥
#OrphanCrushingMachines, #AI, #LLM, #ShitPosting, #NAFO, #HumanRights, #LiveAndLetLive, #Humor, #PoliticalHumor, #Schadenfreude, #Linux, #TuckersBalls.
@[email protected]Netizen; singularitarian; professional gadfly; semi colons; deeply unserious; 💙 Linux; Dogecoin maximalist 🚀 - I oppose nuclear doomsday.
@[email protected]I'm interested in DIY stuff, electronics, audio and videography.
Currently working on making haxko become a great space for hackers and makers alike.
As an IT professional, I mainly work with Microsoft enterprise platforms and for hobby and leisure, FOSS and Linux (mainly Arch, btw) is what makes me feel good.
I always have strong interests in collaboration, so if there is any kind of project you want to start or participate in, feel free to contact me!
Satanas vobiscum et spiritu tuo