108 awesome Machine Learning accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.
@[email protected]Distinguished Prof (Emeritus) Oregon State Univ. Robust AI, Machine Learning, Computational Sustainability. Former Pres. AAAI. @tdietterich on Twitter
David Meyer
@[email protected]Retired husband/father/grandfather living in the US. Interests include #science, #math, #evolution, #machinelearning, #physics, #finance, #markets, #climatechange, #biology, #surfing, #music, and our #oceans.
B.Sc. in Biology, M.Sc. in Computer Science.
Former Director, Advanced Network Technology Center at the University of Oregon.
Former Chief Scientist, VP and Fellow at Brocade Communications Systems.
Former Senior Scientist at Sprint.
Former Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems.
Tim ☑️ 🔭🌃📷🚴🌳
@[email protected]Geek of Linux, databases, machine learning; nemophilist; occasionally political and progressive; Christian; 📷 #landscape 🏔, #nature and #astrophotography 🔭 Perthshire 🏴 https://shiny.photo/
@[email protected]Immigrant. Software Developer in Berlin. Previously: Open Knowledge Brasil (@okbr) Founder and CEO, Open Knowledge Foundation (@okfn) Consultant, Wikimedia Foundation Consultant (@wikimediafoundation) in Brazil, Dev in São Paulo, and Particle Physics.
Interests: #OpenSource #OpenKnowledge #science #Python #philosophy #AI #MachineLearning
Likes: #cooking #dogs #pets #cats #travelling
Sports: #cycling #badminton #football #SUP
Following: #ClimateChange
🏡 Berlin
🐣 São Paulo
Jeff Haluska
@[email protected]#STEM Aficionado, Freelance #DataScientist, #MachineLearning and #biomedical #software writer and #algorithm developer, Founder of Zorbu Software.
#CalvinAndHobbes aficionado and #MrRogers quote spreader.
Shawn M. Jones, PhD
@[email protected]Cat dad. Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory CCS-3. PhD from Old Dominion University Computer Science. WSDL 4 Life. I passed the Voight-Kampf test. The sophons are listening. God is Change. Boosts mean I think you should see it -- not always an endorsement. #TwitterMigrant
Moved from: @shawnmjones
Interests: #MachineLearning #ML #caturday #WebArchiving #NaturalLanguageProcessing #NLP #WebScience #ComputerVision #SocialMedia #IDIC #DigitalPreservation
Cheng Soon Ong
@[email protected]Curious.
Researching #MachineLearning for Scientific Discovery. #ml4science #ai4science
I choose #OpenSource and #OpenScience .
Solving problems in #LifeScience #Genomics #RadioAstronomy
Read our book on Mathematics for Machine Learning at https://mml-book.com
@[email protected]Wrote a machine learning book: https://pragprog.com/titles/fbmach/genetic-algorithms-and-machine-learning-for-programmers/
@[email protected]Solarpunk trans girl. Machine learning researcher (the detecting cancer kind, not the stealing art kind). Frequently trying to convince people the future doesn't have to be either evil or dumb. Start a garden!
Frequent booster. Boosts include climate realism, labor news, and gay stuff
David Zellhöfer
@[email protected]Professor of Digital Innovation @HWR #berlin #machinelearning #ir #mir
former head of unit "Applications and Data Management" at Berlin State Library (#stabi)
@[email protected]Developer for IBM. AI. ML. IoT. Kafka. Gadgets. Mobiles. Gaming. Coffee. Creator of https://machinelearningforkids.co.uk
Machine learning, computer graphics and visualization, pixelart, music, science and economics; demoscene: cp/fr; he/him 🍵📊📐💡🐦🦣
Daniel Hsu
@[email protected]#ComputerScience #statistics #MachineLearning #LearningTheory #ml #algorithms #theory #probability #science #nyc #birding #comics #crosswords #pies #fedi22
Rozenn Dahyot ✅️
@[email protected]Professor of Computer Science
Maynooth University Ireland
Interests: #PatternRecognition, #Statistics, #machinelearning #deeplearning #AI #datascience #computerscience #ComputerVision #SignalProcessing #RemoteSensing #GIS ...
@[email protected]Product @yahoofinance #Data, #CapitalMarkets & #B2C. Q4 Inc., Communitech and 500px Alumnus. Long-suffering twitter user. Button pusher. Occasionally posts about #tech, #MachineLearning, #CanPoli , #CanPol, #CdnPoli, #OnPoli, #OnPol and #CollegeFootball. he/him
Amit Roy
@[email protected]#geo-politics, #diplomacy, #geo-strategy, #foreign_policy, #IoT, #ML, #AI, #ANN, #Deep_learning, #Deep_neural_networks, #Security, #Machine_learning, #Cyber_security, #Artificial_intelligence, #Public_policy, #International_law, #Maritime, #India, #All_India, #Indian #China, #Indo_pacific, #Culture
an m.tech student.
#Bengali #বাংলা #পশ্চিমবঙ্গ #West_Bengal #East_Bengal #Bangladesh #ভারত #ইন্ডিয়া #India #Indian
Deborah Apthorp
@[email protected]Cognitive neuroscientist interested in machine learning. Keen sailor, massive nerd, open science advocate. She/her
Rob Flickenger ⚡️
@[email protected]Hacker and aspiring mad scientist.
Keywords: #genomics #MachineLearning #SEM #HighVoltage
Also chief brain surgeon of @annathebot
David W. Body
@[email protected]Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.
Interests include #climate, #data, #economics, #electronics, #emacs, #fitness, #julia, #machine_learning, #math, #probability, #python, #retro_computing, #rstats, #ruby, #running, #science, #software, #vintage_computing
Polk City, Iowa.