327 awesome Machine Learning accounts on Mastodon.

Zack Labe
@[email protected]Climate Scientist (Atmospheric) | PhD | Sharing data-driven stories | Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are only my own
My research and communication interests coincide with disentangling patterns of climate change from climate variability using data-driven methods. Also, scary movie fan!
#Arctic #ClimateChange #DataViz #MachineLearning #OpenScience #Python #SciComm #Weather #wxMastodon #wxTwitter
Bob Tregilus
@[email protected]I'm a photographer & art framer. All of my photos are edited using Darktable on a Linux box (Linux user since the '90s) & licensed Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0. I don't use machine learning apps. All composites will be clearly noted. I follow science, history, & photography toots. Formerly, I was a civil rights & energy policy troublemaker (aka: community organizer). And I'm a former netcast producer & host for This Week in Energy, the Plug In America Show, & a couple Hacker Public Radio episodes.
@[email protected]A journal of the French Statistical Society promoting reproducible research in statistics and machine learning.
@[email protected]FEAR no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. -Fidele,Shakespeare-
Tomislav Hengl
@[email protected]I am Director at OpenGeoHub / and technical director at EnvirometriX. I am a data scientist passionately promoting open data & FOSS4G, automated soil mapping, Machine Learning for environmental data, global data sets, R spatial and spatio-temporal modeling for global good. My public posts you can use under CC-BY-SA license. My private messages are my own and intended to you and you only.
Joseph Nagel
@[email protected]I like black tea, humor, magic and T-shirts.
This is my attempt at social networking. I had avoided all other platforms until now (well, uploading a song to MySpace doesn't count).
Toots in English and occasionally German.
#MachineLearning #Bayesian #Tech #Physics #Math #Jazz #Metal #Loud #Gaming #Munich #Europe #Bread #Kebap #Theorist #Optimist
@[email protected]Wrote a machine learning book: https://pragprog.com/titles/fbmach/genetic-algorithms-and-machine-learning-for-programmers/
David W. Body
@[email protected]Semi-retired independent software developer, amateur number cruncher, and life-long learner. Recreational distance runner who also walks a lot. Electronics student/tinkerer.
Interests include #climate, #data, #economics, #electronics, #emacs, #fitness, #julia, #machine_learning, #math, #probability, #python, #retro_computing, #rstats, #ruby, #running, #science, #software, #vintage_computing
Polk City, Iowa.
Mattia Rigotti
@[email protected]Researcher in all things Neuro
IBM Research AI
#Neuroscience #MachineLearning #Deeplearning #AI
Brian Sletten
@[email protected]Liberal Arts-Educated Foodie Machine Learning SemWeb REST Architectural Music Geek Software and Security Consultant. Member: @LongNow, @eff, @ACM
Author: "WebAssembly : The Definitive Guide” (https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/webassembly-the-definitive/9781492089834/).
Advocate of less typing and more thinking.
Boney M backup singer.
@[email protected]Machine Learning, AI in Medicine and Data Justice at UCO/DJL. Spanish / Bad English.
Buck Baskin
@[email protected]Python and C++ for sensor fusion, distributed systems. #OpenSource, #3dprinting, #robotics, SLAM and rockets too.
Likes too much: bikes, fixing bikes, open source, compilers, visualizations, machine learning for personal use, sewing, taking things apart, the Taskmaster TV show, coffee
Author/Maintainer of #FormaK https://github.com/buckbaskin/formak
Daniel Hsu
@[email protected]#ComputerScience #statistics #MachineLearning #LearningTheory #ml #algorithms #theory #probability #science #nyc #birding #comics #crosswords #pies #fedi22
Sofian Audry
@[email protected]artist x researcher x professor
author of Art in the Age of Machine Learning (MITPress)
research-creation / new media art / machine learning / AI / ALife
Lawrence Murray
@[email protected]#OpenSource engineer and #MachineLearning researcher. Developer of Mending Wall for hopping between Linux desktop environments without breakages, and Doxide for C++ documentation. Based in Bangkok.
Cheng Soon Ong
@[email protected]Curious.
Researching #MachineLearning for Scientific Discovery. #ml4science #ai4science
I choose #OpenSource and #OpenScience .
Solving problems in #LifeScience #Genomics #RadioAstronomy
Read our book on Mathematics for Machine Learning at https://mml-book.com
@[email protected]I enjoy programming computers.
#fedi22 #Mastodon #Fediverse #Programming #OpenSource #FOSS #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Python #CommonLisp #TypeScript #Dotnet #Csharp #JupyterNotebooks #JupyterLab
Leif Denby
@[email protected]weather & climate scientist, Julia enthusiast, excited about clouds and discovering science with machine learning - 🇩🇰🇬🇧 - https://leif.denby.eu, http://sciml-leeds.github.io - scientist at https://dmi.dk
@[email protected]Solarpunk trans girl. Machine learning researcher (the detecting cancer kind, not the stealing art kind). Frequently trying to convince people the future doesn't have to be either evil or dumb. Unionize tech!
Frequent booster. Boosts include climate realism, labor news, and gay stuff
Dan Stowell
@[email protected]I'm a scientist of sound. I apply machine learning to birdsong.
Associate Professor of AI & Biodiversity, at Tilburg University and Naturalis (the Netherlands).
I also post food+drink here: https://hostux.social/@nomnomdan
and music here: https://ravenation.club/@mcldnowplaying