59 of the best Nix accounts on Mastodon.
Elias Probst
@[email protected]#OpenSource and #OpenData fanboy & contributor (#KDE, #NixOS, #OpenStreetMap)
hopelessly idealistic - realistically pessimistic
values science & facts over feelgood-ism
Yann Büchau
@[email protected]Environmental Scientist/Meteorologist @umphy. Built a low-cost CO₂ sensor network to monitor natural CO₂ emissions: https://doi.org/10.1127/metz/2022/1125 ☁️
#Linux #NixOS #FOSS #SailfishOS
#PinePhone #Arduino #RaspberryPi #ESP8266
#vim #git #gitAnnex #TeXLaTeX #OpenSCAD #SolveSpace
#hledger #plainTextAccounting
@[email protected]5G Inside
Da manche eine Bio toll finden, dann schreib ich mal hin was mir Spontan einfällt, da eigentlich über mich nix tolles zu schreiben gibt^^
Fahre gern E-Scooter (Super um Fix von A nach B zu kommen) Interessiere mich auch für EBikes und Lastenräder.
Finde Autos nicht doof, nur die dummen Autofahrer die da meist am Steuer sind.
Sonst finde ich vieles Interessant, merkt man meist am Kommi drunter :)
Mehr fällt mir gerade nicht ein was hier so stehen könnte
@[email protected]Internet software developer
#NixOS #Rustlang #XMPP #IPv6 #noPHP #carfree #Dresden #searchable #FediBuzz
@[email protected]Rust 🦀 NixOS ❄️ YouTube 📺 Palestine 🇵🇸
@[email protected]Gaeilge, NixOS, Bogearraí saora, Eite chlé, Esperanto, Rothaíocht, Rotharcharr (Velomobile)
NGI Zero open source funding
@[email protected]NGI Zero is a grant making programme for R&D of free and open source technology, coordinated by @nlnet in collab with @fsfe @APC @ps @techcultivation @ros @fsi @nixos_org @ISOCSwitzerland @apell Tolerant Networks HAN University Brno University OW2 & OFE | Delivers technology for the #NextGenerationInternet
Account is run by NLnet
IMG: C. Jeschke | Unsplash
Susan Potter
@[email protected]Fractional-CTO, and polyglot software engineer (#Haskell, #PureScript, #Nix, #NixOS, #Deno, #Rust, #Roc, #Flix) with focus on building and scaling infrastructure, platforms and SaaS products end-to-end.
Tolerates writing #Scala for good money.
Has a penchant for #OptionsTrading, #FunctionalProgramming, #Economics, #SystemsThinking.
Antifascist, immigrant, gay af, she/her.
Niklas Korz
@[email protected]Cloud computing, web development, multimedia, languages and pen and paper. Sometimes computer graphics. Mainly Rust, Go and TypeScript.
I use Nix btw.
MSc Computer Science (2019-2022 @uniheidelberg).
Co-founder of @alugha.
Toots in German and English.
#MastoAdmin at @admin.
#fedi22 #rustlang #programming #linux #macos #tech #cats #nixos #rust #golang #typescript #devops #sysadmin #kubernetes searchable
Charles Hartman
@[email protected]Software Engineer in medical technology, mid-life career changer, studious learner. Currently working with #python, #postgres, #vuejs, and #airflow.
Former entrepreneur, small business owner, and art dealer.
Portland, Oregon, USA
Current other interests (dang this list is long): #golang, #elixir, #rust, #nixos, #kubernetes, #docker, #fountainpens, #cycling, #trees, #art, #sff, #coffee, #weather, #aqi, #birdwatching
@[email protected]Computing enthusiast, distributed systems developer, DM, NixOS and Kubernetes user, Rust and Elixir enjoyer, Dota2 player
@[email protected]theoretical physicist @uniheidelberg + hobby programmer (I use NixOS btw)
I like cats 🐈
compsci things: #Linux #Rust #NixOS #Privacy #Lojban
other things: #TheoreticalPhysics #Rationalism #Transhumanism #HardSF #DIYEngineering
@[email protected]Naughtylus
@[email protected]#Rust -y #Steampunk golem rolling on #NixOS #Linux and #Bicycle wheels.
Profile pic shamefully derived from work stolen from unknown artists through a power-hungry statistical engine financed by exploited workers and trained by unpaid hands.
@[email protected]📚🎨🎭🍨🚲🍫 ★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist. ★ (Account beim toten Vogel gelöscht. Wenn mein Handle dort auftaucht, bin es nicht ich!) Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet. #ADHS seit 1/2 Jahrhundert. 🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Raleigh, Birdy, Nihola) :na sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig) @ Hamburg ❤︎ Berlin/NYC ‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN. [tootfinder] #tauschy 20
Bruno Adelé
@[email protected]Velotafeur, mais geek avant tout, hacker, Devops, auteur & contributeur du libre. Python, Docker, NixOS/Archlinux addict #JeSuisUnDesDeux #velotaf #LiberezLaData
Montpellier · bruno.adele.im
@[email protected]🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Fortschritt, Nachhaltigkeit, Fürsorge | Progress, Sustainability, Care
🛠️ Aramaki – a federated DevOps control plane
❤️ Cynefin, CAS, Python, NixOS, batou, Ceph, Qemu, Linux, pycountry
... and in a former life: Zope and ZODB
Founder and CEO at flyingcircus.io
@[email protected]23 |
Linux sysadmin for myself
💵 Windows sysadmin for money
🔐 Infosec nerd
🎼 Music theory is cool
🖥 I like 🦀 rust and nixos
🎮 Hobby gamedev using godot
🌸 Am weeb
🌈 Very gay
@[email protected]SRE at reMarkable. Acmeist with a cloud fetish. Hates the slow. Maker. Brewer. Reader. Gamer. Writer. Specialisation is for insects. tfr #nim #prometheus #kubernetes #nix #monitoring #golang
@[email protected]s='hello;'
echo "${s//;/\;}"
> Intrinsic proofs require work, for Extrinsic proofs there s Curry Howard correspondence
pedantic noob
all content CC BY-SA 4.0
#nobot #nobridge
time matters when it pays off
> https://git.sr.ht/~carnotweat/modshelltovm
#rust #nix , bits of #haskell #ocaml