193 awesome Nix developers on Mastodon.

Human nix Nix
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I am a mathematical physicist and work as a software developer at Heilmann Software.

I spend most of my time coding , , , am a co-maintainer of nixpkgs.haskellPackages and a member of the Steering Committee. Apart from that I love choir singing, ballroom dancing and playing Dungeons & Dragons.

Try out my projects:


Last posted 1 week ago
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GroßStadtPflanze verified💉⁸
@[email protected]

★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist.
Impfsüchtige Tröttelstrippe.
Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet.
Ich halte die Existenz von „satt“ für ein Gerücht!
seit 1/2 Jahrhundert.

🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Birdy, Nihola) :na

sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig)

@ Hamburg
❤︎ Berlin/NYC

‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Rebecca Fernandez
@[email protected]

Senior Graphics programmer at Nixxes Software. Previously TT Games and WeirdBeard Games. Aussie grown dev in NL

Last posted 4 days ago
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I am blobcat_hertog I will soon study game development at HKU.
I fucking love godot , nix and mango juice.

blobcat_hertog is queer Fire_Bisexual

Feel free to interact with my posts however you wish (as long as it doesn't break my instance's rules and for the lewd/nsfw stuff you are not a minor).
If I dislike it I will tell you.
If I hate it I will probably block you.
If I love your response though I will favourite and or boost the fuck out of it be warned I am like fucking evil spirit I will haunt your account.

Any lewd or nsfw posts/comments I make are lighthearted or jokingly I am quite private about those things if I cross a line let me know though

Of course we do not have to agree with each other.

You and I both just have our views that's all.
I prefer the ways of the water and the wind.

Who watches the watchmen?

Free as in freedom thus also as in price

Met een vleugje zuivel

maxwell maxwell

Last posted 3 weeks ago
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Sofie 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

Ops @ Hachyderm | NixOS maintainer | Circuit wrangler


Last posted 3 months ago
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Rust 🦀 NixOS ❄️ YouTube 📺 Palestine 🇵🇸


Last posted Less than a day ago
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I'm very interested in free software and licensing of art and the written word. I'm a member-owner of a local brewpub cooperative. I use SDF and Tilde pub-nixes as well as self host what I can.

At 19:00 UTC Monday through Friday I'm on AnonRadio.net doing a 30 minute news show. I read news I've found around the web.

My preferred pronouns are He/Him/His.

Last posted 1 week ago
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Sr. Estegosaurio 🦕
@[email protected]

A random from Europe, informatic wannabe.
Really interested in programming, privacy, security & philosophy. Plus other cool things.

anarchism ancomheart

Currently struggling with nixos.

Don't be shy, I only have my account private due to bots and stuff. I don't bite. (most of the time).

Last posted 1 day ago
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❄️ 🐧 enthusiast, 📻 operator, user.

Mostly another guy that likes hacker things.

I also have a strong respect for both human and non-human animals. for the animals and the planet 🌱🌍


Last posted 2 weeks ago
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Science fanboy.

Software developer, previously software tester. , , . Some , , and (Ti-83)

Otherwise interested in , , , , , TLA+, and / .

Ran a troup for a while.

Speaks Dutch, English, German, some French, and a tiny bit of Mandarin and Spanish.

Last posted 1 month ago
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Go Developer, Nix Enthusiast | it/she 🏳️‍⚧️ | CSU Fullerton 2024 | Google STEP Intern 2022, SWE Intern 2023

Last posted 1 month ago
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Criptopunk, anarquista crítico, iconoclasta y ateo | Escribo y edito en donde me dejen | Autor de Anarquismo y edición en @suversionelectronica

Last posted 2 months ago
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@[email protected]

Essen und Radfahren

No alt Text? No boost! 🤷‍♀️

Folgeanfragen werden nur angenommen, wenn ich so ungefähr erahnen kann, warum Du mir folgen willst. Und auch dann nur, wenn sonst nix dagegen spricht :-P

Bildbeschreibung Header: Auf einer Seebrücke am Meer steht ein Lastenrad mit Tourengepäck.

Bildbeschreibung Profilbild: Nussschnecken auf einem Kuchengitter.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Technical IT consultant
Bicycle enthusiast
interested in Linux and FOSS (not exclusively)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Stéphan Kochen
@[email protected]

I like building things for the web! Hope that's okay. (he/him)

Author of castling.club, & enthousiast.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Julian Stecklina
@[email protected]

Does low-level systems hacking for food. 🌍🇪🇺🇩🇪🇷🇴🇪🇸🇺🇦 | @blitzclone on Twitter

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 163
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-y golem rolling on and wheels.

Profile pic shamefully derived from work stolen from unknown artists through a power-hungry statistical engine financed by exploited workers and trained by unpaid hands.

Last posted 1 week ago
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Fortschritt, Nachhaltigkeit, Fürsorge | Progress, Sustainability, Care

🛠️ Aramaki – a federated DevOps control plane

❤️ Cynefin, CAS, Python, NixOS, batou, Ceph, Qemu, Linux, pycountry

... and in a former life: Zope and ZODB

Founder and CEO at flyingcircus.io

Last posted 1 day ago
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Last posted 5 months ago
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5G Inside

Da manche eine Bio toll finden, dann schreib ich mal hin was mir Spontan einfällt, da eigentlich über mich nix tolles zu schreiben gibt^^

Fahre gern E-Scooter (Super um Fix von A nach B zu kommen) Interessiere mich auch für EBikes und Lastenräder.

Finde Autos nicht doof, nur die dummen Autofahrer die da meist am Steuer sind.

Sonst finde ich vieles Interessant, merkt man meist am Kommi drunter :)

Mehr fällt mir gerade nicht ein was hier so stehen könnte

Last posted 1 day ago
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