93 awesome Nix accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

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Jake Hamilton
@[email protected]

🙋‍♂️ They/He

JavaScript fanboy and expert in bug creation. I also do Nix things.

Be excellent to each other.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 5,798
Followers 985
Following ▼ 405
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Rust 🦀 NixOS ❄️ YouTube 📺 Palestine 🇵🇸


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,008
Followers 404
Following ▼ 390
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Functional roboticist. 
Robots, Haskell, Rust, nix, emacs, FPV… and the rest of life, too.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 2,502
Followers 544
Following ▼ 372
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Thing i love :
- Birds of all kind they are all so cute
- furry art
- monsters, horror, eldritch entities
- music (electro, hip hop, jazz, funk, trip-hop, post rock, dark ambience, dance, etc...)
- cooking, especially making cakes and biscuits
- books
- starting project (and never finishing them)

I work as a dotnet dev doing some dev ops too.

hatch year is 1995

Please have a bios or some post before following, if not you will be considered as a suspicious account and might be blocked.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 16,887
Followers 145
Following ▼ 359
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er/he, contributor, likes and , also quite interested in , ,

Find me under @j_r too


Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 8,324
Followers 529
Following ▼ 341
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GroßStadtPflanze verified💉⁸
@[email protected]

★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist.
Impfsüchtige Tröttelstrippe.
Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet.
Ich halte die Existenz von „satt“ für ein Gerücht!
seit 1/2 Jahrhundert.

🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Birdy, Nihola) :na

sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig)

@ Hamburg
❤︎ Berlin/NYC

‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 12,072
Followers 451
Following ▼ 335
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@[email protected]

Mastodon lebt, Twitter ist tot. 🦄

Synapsenkitzler Audios/Videos gibts auf youtube.com/synapsenkitzler (Stand 12/2023: schon lange nix neues mehr hochgeladen.) (synapsenkitzler.de / frazy.tv offline wegen )

Hier poste ich unregelmäßig zu allem und nix. Tendenziell mit Bezug zu IT, Humor, Gesellschaft. Ich arbeite im ÖRR mit dem Schwerpunkt Software-Beschaffung, mit großer Sympathie für .

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 1,044
Followers 199
Following ▼ 325
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Budding software developer in the Pacific Northwest, presently looking for work!

Tags: Nix, open-source, linux

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 270
Followers 45
Following ▼ 325
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Software developer, Nix enthusiast, friend

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 202
Followers 40
Following ▼ 309
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5G Inside

Da manche eine Bio toll finden, dann schreib ich mal hin was mir Spontan einfällt, da eigentlich über mich nix tolles zu schreiben gibt^^

Fahre gern E-Scooter (Super um Fix von A nach B zu kommen) Interessiere mich auch für EBikes und Lastenräder.

Finde Autos nicht doof, nur die dummen Autofahrer die da meist am Steuer sind.

Sonst finde ich vieles Interessant, merkt man meist am Kommi drunter :)

Mehr fällt mir gerade nicht ein was hier so stehen könnte

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 18,503
Followers 240
Following ▼ 278
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FOSS Enthusiast, Hacker, Part of the NixOS cult (which, of course, doesn't exist at all! There is no such thing as a NixOS cult). Studiying Computer Science

I'm a straight white cis dude, not marginalized in any way, but I try my best to be an ally.

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 649
Followers 80
Following ▼ 265
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SRE at reMarkable. Acmeist with a cloud fetish. Hates the slow. Maker. Brewer. Reader. Gamer. Writer. Specialisation is for insects. tfr

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 616
Followers 149
Following ▼ 265
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; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; amateur socializer; reader; pet parent; occasionally ;

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 219
Followers 41
Following ▼ 264
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I paint and grow things. I am consumed by all things Scandinavian, Astrophysics, and Gardening. I might be into power tools. She/Her/Who Dat?

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,930
Followers 207
Following ▼ 261
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Some lefti AFD, NixOS nixos, Linux tux, Chaos fairydust

Don't be afraid of colorful flags progress_pride 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚩🏴

Last posted 6 days ago
Posts 1,500
Followers 489
Following ▼ 255
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Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,423
Followers 59
Following ▼ 254
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Old fart interested in Nix/NixOS

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 822
Followers 24
Following ▼ 253
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Technical IT consultant
Bicycle enthusiast
interested in Linux and FOSS (not exclusively)

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 5,382
Followers 294
Following ▼ 238
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Passionate about technology, Open source and long time Linux user. Into DevOps, self-hosting, home automation, retro-gaming, NixOS and Rust.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 11,928
Followers 75
Following ▼ 237
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Frédéric Menou
@[email protected]

I mostly pouet about software development, do bad puns, and troll acquaintances. Also , , and alikes.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,065
Followers 196
Following ▼ 228