214 awesome Nix accounts on Mastodon.

nix Nix
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Currently overengineering my blog. I also write for fun, and at work.

When I'm not coding, I write. Fiction. Non-Fiction. I read a lot of and watch a lot of movies and . I consider myself a cinephile.

Man City fan since Benjani 🇿🇼 put on the shirt


Opinions my own 😎

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 52
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Fractional-CTO, and polyglot software engineer (, , , , , , , ) with focus on building and scaling infrastructure, platforms and SaaS products end-to-end.

Tolerates writing for good money.

Has a penchant for , , , .

Antifascist, immigrant, gay af, she/her.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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I build unconventional tools for lazy devs 🙃

Pipelight - Selfhosted automation pipelines that support toml, yaml, hcl and typescript.

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Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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GroßStadtPflanze verified💉⁸
@[email protected]

★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist.
Impfsüchtige Tröttelstrippe.
Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet.
Ich halte die Existenz von „satt“ für ein Gerücht!
seit 1/2 Jahrhundert.

🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Birdy, Nihola) :na

sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig)

@ Hamburg
❤︎ Berlin/NYC

‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Just an arctic fox doing infosec. Also doing doing DIY electronics and photography.

I may talk your ear off if I know you, or something about the matter. While I do I work on it, don't say I didn't warn you!

Posts may be in English or sometimes German.

See also my Pixelfed account @varbin for pictures of fursuting, DIY electronics and macro shots of flora.

Treasurer of @Port39 - the hackerspace in Stralsund.

The profile image is "AI" generated - I have a complete lack of drawing skills (and the artist takes his time). Background image FN2A3630 is CC-BY-SA 4.0 licensed by Nixette at Wikimedia Commons (commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil)

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 793
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Following 211
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and fanboy & contributor (, , )

hopelessly idealistic - realistically pessimistic

values science & facts over feelgood-ism

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blobfoxmegumin 🏳️‍🌈🎃🇧🇷Luana🇧🇷🎃🏳️‍🌈 verified
@[email protected]

• She/Her • 19 • 🇧🇷, talk 🇧🇷🇬🇧 • Valve & FOSS fangirl • Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ • 🏳️‍🌈 Lesbian ⚢ •

Loves , , and . everything. user.



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Theoretical physics MSc student @uniheidelberg
interested in general relativity, quantum field theory (gauge theories and quantum gravity in particular), statistical physics, geometric algebra, spinors and spaceflight. Feel free to ask me if you don't understand something I post :)

My non-physics things: , , , , , , , ,

fighting for formalism biodiversity in physics since 2021

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 358
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Following 32
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Kagan MacTane (he/him)
@[email protected]

Brooklyn/SF-based web developer, fan of hard SF (especially The Expanse - speak Lang Belta with me!), aspiring urban fantasy writer, lover of coyotes, accessibility, cocktails, bacon, and sushi. Bi and queer, Neopagan, feminist and SJW.


Avatar: Me, a bald, middle-aged white guy, with bi pride color stripes behind my head
Header: The San Francisco Bay Bridge at night, with the vertical cables lit up by the Bay Lights

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 190
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Wohne in . Interessiere mich für die Lokalereignisse meiner Stadt und den dazu. War fast drei Jahrzehnte lokal aktiv beim Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland. Habe als Gewerkschafter (GdP) meine Ämter weitergegeben. Engagiere mich aber in den Themenfeldern Gefahren für unsere und die Geschichte der Weimarer Republik (Polizei und Schwarz-Rot-Gold) Anmerkung: Hat nix mit „Reichsbürgern“ zu tun. Ist quasi das Gegenteil.

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Environmental Scientist/Meteorologist @umphy. Built a low-cost CO₂ sensor network to monitor natural CO₂ emissions: doi.org/10.1127/metz/2022/1125 ☁️

tux nixos

pine64 arduino raspberrypi

vim git gitannex latex openscad prusaslicer



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@[email protected]

Essen und Radfahren

No alt Text? No boost! 🤷‍♀️

Folgeanfragen werden nur angenommen, wenn ich so ungefähr erahnen kann, warum Du mir folgen willst. Und auch dann nur, wenn sonst nix dagegen spricht :-P

Bildbeschreibung Header: Auf einer Seebrücke am Meer steht ein Lastenrad mit Tourengepäck.

Bildbeschreibung Profilbild: Nussschnecken auf einem Kuchengitter.

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I like writing software, , and 
Author/maintainer of

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Chris Cochrun ~ >
@[email protected]

Just a guy who loves Jesus, family, and open source. In that order.

I am currently a / at an organization called Teens For Christ Connection.

Tell me about your adventures in:

I'm kinda a nerd I guess...

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 379
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Following 108
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Passionate about technology, Open source and long time Linux user. Into DevOps, self-hosting, home automation, retro-gaming, NixOS and Rust.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 237
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> Intrinsic proofs require work, for Extrinsic proofs there s Curry Howard correspondence
pedantic noob
all content CC BY-SA 4.0

> i am not a book about me .
> git.sr.ht/~carnotweat/virt-nix
, bits of

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Following 152
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Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 381
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Following 107
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Software engineer based in NYC. Interested in functional programming, code-generation, Nix, neovim and development tooling in general. Speaks English and French.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 401
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Following 184
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Das Einfangen von Momenten und das Spiel mit Licht und Farben faszinieren mich immer wieder aufs Neue.

Wichtig. No = No boost. Inklusion statt Nixklusion.

Header: Face of a black cat
Profile: Bumblebee sitting on a blossom (monochrome image)


Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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