273 awesome Nix accounts on Mastodon.

Determinate Systems, Inc.
@[email protected]Bringing Nix ❄️ to the enterprise to empower fearless software delivery 💪
Niklas Korz
@[email protected]Cloud computing, web development, multimedia, languages and pen and paper. Sometimes computer graphics. Mainly Rust, Go and TypeScript.
I use Nix btw.
MSc Computer Science (2019-2022 @uniheidelberg).
Co-founder of @alugha.
Toots in German and English.
#MastoAdmin at @admin.
#fedi22 #rustlang #programming #linux #macos #tech #cats #nixos #rust #golang #typescript #devops #sysadmin #kubernetes searchable
Yann Büchau
@[email protected]
Environmental Scientist/Meteorologist @umphy. Built a low-cost CO₂ sensor network to monitor natural CO₂ emissions: https://doi.org/10.1127/metz/2022/1125 ☁️
#NixOS #FOSS #SailfishOS
#RaspberryPi #ESP8266
#OpenSCAD #SolveSpace
#hledger #plainTextAccounting
@[email protected]git log -p -- @xameer
> Intrinsic proofs require work, for Extrinsic proofs there s Curry Howard correspondence
pedantic noob
all content CC BY-SA 4.0
#nobot #nobridge #noai
send messages , not metadata
> https://.sr.ht/~carnotweat/deltanix
#rust #nix , bits of #haskell #ocaml
Anthony Cowley
@[email protected]Functional roboticist. Robots, Haskell, Rust, nix, emacs, FPV… and the rest of life, too.
Home Manager News
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
Some lefti , NixOS
, Linux
, Chaos
Don't be afraid of colorful flags 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🚩🏴
@[email protected]🧑🏿 Millennial black cis guy
🖋️ #Writer and #novelist
💻 #Linux and #OpenSource geek (I use #Nix/#NixOS btw)
🎮 #ElderScrollsOnline
🧘 #Buddhist, hippie, #BurningMan )'(
🦁 #Furry
💑🏾 https://spectrum.avris.it/5IMo
💕 https://cake.avris.it/pD4
Profile pic: a drawing of a mischievous lion with green eyes and a big golden mane, by @YemmieArts
Profile banner: two lions in trans colors facing opposite directions defiantly. Source: https://e926.net/posts/1550976
@[email protected]
📚🍨🚲🍫 ★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist. ★ Account beim toten Vogel gelöscht. Wenn mein Handle dort auftaucht, bin es nicht ich! ★ Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet. #ADHS seit 1/2 Jahrhundert. 🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Pegasus mit Alfine 11, Birdy red, Nihola). sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig) , @Hamburg ❤︎ Berlin/NYC ‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN. [tootfinder] #tauschy 20
Edmund Miller
@[email protected]PhD Candidate @ UT Dallas in the Functional Genomics Lab
nf-core maintainer
Office mate to @monimiller
#FunctionalGenomics #Bioinformatics #Emacs #Nextflow @nf_core #NixOS #JuliaLang #Rugby #fedi22
@[email protected]
I tinker with code, music, art, electronics, synths, and things in 3D.
#music #ambient #AmbientMusic #experimental #electronic #BandCamp #NewMusic #synths #eurorack
@[email protected]nixpkgs | rust | elixir
@entropia | 🏳️🌈
Hendrik Bunke
@[email protected]Developer, teacher, researcher (or in between all of this, can't tell exactly). #OpenScience, #Education, #School, #Linux (#Fedora #Silverblue, #NixOS), #Python, #functionalprogramming. 3 #Kids, PhD, #Cycling, #noCar. #Werder, #Bremen.
Find older toots at my first Mastodon instance: https://social.tchncs.de/@hbunke
Please do not DM me here. You may use
**Signal**: hbunke.44
**Matrix**: @hbunke:matrix.org
or even my professionel email address which you can find at https://tib.eu/hbunke
@[email protected]Das Einfangen von Momenten und das Spiel mit Licht und Farben faszinieren mich immer wieder aufs Neue.
Wichtig. No #altText = No boost. Inklusion statt Nixklusion.
Header: Face of a black cat
Profile: Bumblebee sitting on a blossom (monochrome image)
Martin Majc0 OM0MO Brechtl
@[email protected]{
"role" : “#infosec #OT #IT #consultant",
"certifications" : ["#CISA", "#CRISC", "#CISSP", "#CEH"],
"interests" : ["#python", "#nixos", "#linux", "#qubes", "#graphene", "#securityonion", "#proxmox", "#openwrt", "#opnsense", "#routeros"],
"hobbies" : ["#photography", "#hamradio", "#amateurradio", "#hillwalking", "#climbing", "volleyball"],
"HAMcallsign" : "OM0MO",
“location” : [“#Devin”, "#Bratislava", “#Slovakia”, "#Europe"],
"photolinks" : ["https://www.flickr.com/photos/martinbrechtl", "https://unsplash.com/@Majc0", "https://www.qrz.com/db/OM0MO"],
@[email protected]I am a mathematical physicist and work as a software developer at Heilmann Software.
I spend most of my time coding #haskell, #nix, #nixos, am a co-maintainer of nixpkgs.haskellPackages and a member of the #GHC Steering Committee. Apart from that I love choir singing, ballroom dancing and playing #TTRPGs.
Try out my projects:
Sofie 🏳️🌈
@[email protected]Ops @ Hachyderm | Circuit wrangler
#guix #nixos #makers #electronics #denmark
Rebecca Fernandez
@[email protected]Senior Graphics programmer at Nixxes Software. Previously TT Games and WeirdBeard Games. Now located in Australia after a decade in the Netherlands.
@[email protected]Rust 🦀 NixOS ❄️ YouTube 📺 Palestine 🇵🇸