224 awesome Nix accounts on Mastodon.

nix Nix
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> Intrinsic proofs require work, for Extrinsic proofs there s Curry Howard correspondence
pedantic noob
all content CC BY-SA 4.0

> i am not a book about me .
> git.sr.ht/~carnotweat/morning-

Last posted 2 months ago
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Followers ▼ 527
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Environmental Scientist/Meteorologist @umphy. Built a low-cost CO₂ sensor network to monitor natural CO₂ emissions: doi.org/10.1127/metz/2022/1125 ☁️

tux nixos

pine64 arduino raspberrypi

vim git gitannex latex openscad prusaslicer



Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,789
Followers ▼ 519
Following 437
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Home Manager News
@[email protected]

Latest home manager news.


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 266
Followers ▼ 507
Following 3
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Edmund Miller
@[email protected]

PhD Candidate @ UT Dallas in the Functional Genomics Lab
nf-core maintainer
Office mate to @monimiller


Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 848
Followers ▼ 502
Following 911
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Some lefti AFD, NixOS nixos, Linux tux, Chaos fairydust

Don't be afraid of colorful flags progress_pride 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚩🏴

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,527
Followers ▼ 496
Following 259
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Das Einfangen von Momenten und das Spiel mit Licht und Farben faszinieren mich immer wieder aufs Neue.

Wichtig. No = No boost. Inklusion statt Nixklusion.

Header: Face of a black cat
Profile: Bumblebee sitting on a blossom (monochrome image)


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,286
Followers ▼ 484
Following 109
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GroßStadtPflanze verified
@[email protected]

★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist. ★

(Account beim toten Vogel gelöscht. Wenn mein Handle dort auftaucht, bin es nicht ich!)
Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet. 
 seit 1/2 Jahrhundert.

🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Raleigh, Birdy, Nihola) :na

sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig)

@ Hamburg 
❤︎ Berlin/NYC

‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN.
 [tootfinder] 20

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 12,709
Followers ▼ 468
Following 350
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Martin Majc0 OM0MO Brechtl
@[email protected]

"role" : “ ",
"certifications" : ["", "", "", ""],
"interests" : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
"hobbies" : ["", "", "", "", "", "volleyball"],
"HAMcallsign" : "OM0MO",
“location” : [“”, "", “”, ""],
"photolinks" : ["flickr.com/photos/martinbrecht", "unsplash.com/@Majc0", "qrz.com/db/OM0MO"],

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 340
Followers ▼ 460
Following 789
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Sofie 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

Ops @ Hachyderm | Circuit wrangler


Last posted 2 weeks ago
Posts 727
Followers ▼ 459
Following 180
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I am a mathematical physicist and work as a software developer at Heilmann Software.

I spend most of my time coding , , , am a co-maintainer of nixpkgs.haskellPackages and a member of the Steering Committee. Apart from that I love choir singing, ballroom dancing and playing .

Try out my projects:


Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 1,724
Followers ▼ 454
Following 457
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Rebecca Fernandez
@[email protected]

Senior Graphics programmer at Nixxes Software. Previously TT Games and WeirdBeard Games. Now located in Australia after a decade in the Netherlands.

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 723
Followers ▼ 453
Following 327
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I am blobcat_hertog I will soon study game development at HKU.
I fucking love godot , nix and mango juice.

blobcat_hertog is queer Fire_Bisexual

Feel free to interact with my posts however you wish (as long as it doesn't break my instance's rules and for the lewd/nsfw stuff you are not a minor).
If I dislike it I will tell you.
If I hate it I will probably block you.
If I love your response though I will favourite and or boost the fuck out of it be warned I am like fucking evil spirit I will haunt your account.

Any lewd or nsfw posts/comments I make are lighthearted or jokingly I am quite private about those things if I cross a line let me know though

Of course we do not have to agree with each other.

You and I both just have our views that's all.
I prefer the ways of the water and the wind.

Who watches the watchmen?

Free as in freedom thus also as in price

Met een vleugje zuivel

maxwell maxwell

Last posted 2 months ago
Posts 20,519
Followers ▼ 439
Following 372
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Rust 🦀 NixOS ❄️ YouTube 📺 Palestine 🇵🇸


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,120
Followers ▼ 412
Following 395
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Gaeilge, NixOS, Bogearraí saora, Eite chlé, Esperanto, Rothaíocht, Rotharcharr (Velomobile)

Last posted 1 day ago
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I'm very interested in free software and licensing of art and the written word. I'm a member-owner of a local brewpub cooperative. I use SDF and Tilde pub-nixes as well as self host what I can.

At 19:00 UTC Monday through Friday I'm on AnonRadio.net doing a 30 minute news show. I read news I've found around the web.

My preferred pronouns are He/Him/His.

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 2,800
Followers ▼ 401
Following 482
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Sr. Estegosaurio 🦕
@[email protected]

A random from Europe, informatic wannabe.
Really interested in programming, privacy, security & philosophy. Plus other cool things.

anarchism ancomheart

Currently struggling with nixos.

Don't be shy, I only have my account private due to bots and stuff. I don't bite. (most of the time).

Last posted 5 days ago
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Followers ▼ 339
Following 814
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❄️ 🐧 enthusiast, 📻 operator, user.

Mostly another guy that likes hacker things.

I also have a strong respect for both human and non-human animals. for the animals and the planet 🌱🌍


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 1,780
Followers ▼ 335
Following 236

Science fanboy.

Software developer, previously software tester. , , . Some , , and (Ti-83)

Otherwise interested in , , , , , TLA+, and / .

Ran a troup for a while.

Speaks Dutch, English, German, some French, and a tiny bit of Mandarin and Spanish.

Last posted 3 months ago
Posts 948
Followers ▼ 331
Following 1,128
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Go Developer, Nix Enthusiast | it/she 🏳️‍⚧️ | CSU Fullerton 2024 | Google STEP Intern 2022, SWE Intern 2023

Last posted 2 months ago
Posts 80
Followers ▼ 316
Following 107
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@[email protected]

Essen und Radfahren

No alt Text? No boost! 🤷‍♀️

Folgeanfragen werden nur angenommen, wenn ich so ungefähr erahnen kann, warum Du mir folgen willst. Und auch dann nur, wenn sonst nix dagegen spricht :-P

Bildbeschreibung Header: Auf einer Seebrücke am Meer steht ein Lastenrad mit Tourengepäck.

Bildbeschreibung Profilbild: Nussschnecken auf einem Kuchengitter.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 8,158
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Following 558