@parisba great talk, I told one of my kids at home that you were at the #NBPy conference I was attending today, and they knew who you were from Night in the Woods, one of their all time favorite games. It was bonus fun that you went to school with @chrisjrn in Tasmania.
Won't be in Petaluma tomorrow, but loved that you unmasked the crazy of LLM and how easily they can be manipulated to spew even crazier notions than Chris being President of the USA since forever. Cheers!
@chrisjrn @whitecoatcaptioning undeniably fantastic at their job, as evidenced by the very first #NBPy talk of the weekend!
@NorthBayPython I sad that I won't be joining you guys today, but I had the most wonderful time yesterday with the program I got to engage with ("what could possibly go wrong?" 😁)
Have a lovely day out there and STAY COOL, it's warmer today than yesterday. Cheers! #NBPy
@pythonbynight @nextdayvideo a surprisingly relatable talk, I enjoyed it a lot! #NBPy