North Bay Python 2024

Day 1 (67)

Learning about marimo, an open-source reactive notebook.
Looks really nice for visualizations.


Plus, notebook changes results in small diffs and the notebooks themselves are executable as Python scripts!

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is so amazingly accommodating to just about anyone who might want to attend the event. Live captions, increased airflow, code of conduct and providing safe spaces for people needing masks and social distancing. The talks are hilarious and curious and wide-raging as well. You are missing out if you're not here

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Marimo - pypi.org/project/marimo/ - is a VERY cool take on Python notebooks. The reproducibility and maintainability we all want vs what Jupyter (& Colab) offer.

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My talk on a "visual explanation of vectors" was entirely in the form of Jupyter notebooks! Check them out here:

Try them with your fav embedding model!

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Fascinating behind-the-scenes of where even the capture and is being done with tools! There's no end to the cool stuff and commitment to open source and community-built technologies for North Bay Python! Even a salty old video teacher is learning new things.

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@pythonbynight nailing it when it comes to Python communities. We have a bunch of silos, and it's important to build and cross bridges between them.

"Totally unrelated": did you know the RFP is open *right now*?

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At first I though @glyph was just condensing all of the stuff I need to document about my project processes into a 30 minute talk, but now he's also turned it into a song. Very effectively getting across how overwhelming it can all be, and that we need to remember to have fun with our projects, not just make them perfect.

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