705 awesome Open Source projects on Mastodon.

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Passionate about free software

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Pixelfed Uno cc Italia
@[email protected]

La prima istanza italiana pixelfed, l'alternativa open source ad instagram pixelfed.uno

Una piattaforma di condivisione di foto gratuita ed etica federata con centinaia di istanze simili

Nessun annuncio pubblicitario, da nessuna parte

Linee temporali ordinate cronologicamente, nessun algoritmo sogreto che sceglie cosa devi vedere

Esplora i contenuti più popolari

Focalizzato sulla privacy
Non ci sono raccolta dati, profilazioni o tracciature degli utenti

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Nachrichtenseite für Linux, Freie Software, und Open Source. News, Artikel und Meinung für Desktop und Enterprise.

Jetzt neu mit 100% und ! 🍃⚡️

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ajuvo ✔ 🇩🇪🇸🇪🇬🇧
@[email protected]

c-base; c3d2; CCCP; damals-tm-podcast.de ; hybr.de ; FOSS project facilitator; co-operatives;
DECT 3370 ; Z6X3DTSM ; 2 CV; Arbeitsklima und Management für Nerds; Postcrossing

Last posted 1 day ago
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@[email protected]

Alles für die Kunst, wegen Kunst aus Kunst.
Große Fresse KunstFigur.

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@[email protected]

Mastodon lebt, Twitter ist tot. 🦄

Synapsenkitzler Audios/Videos gibts auf youtube.com/synapsenkitzler (Stand 12/2023: schon lange nix neues mehr hochgeladen.) (synapsenkitzler.de / frazy.tv offline wegen )

Hier poste ich unregelmäßig zu allem und nix. Tendenziell mit Bezug zu IT, Humor, Gesellschaft. Ich arbeite im ÖRR mit dem Schwerpunkt Software-Beschaffung, mit großer Sympathie für .

Last posted 2 days ago
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Nemo_bis 🌈
@[email protected]

Plant-based thoughts [it/en/fi] from , on , , , , , , . .

More , , and updates occasionally at Italia (@wikimediaitalia).

Last posted 1 day ago
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FOSS Backstage
@[email protected]

Community, Management, and Compliance – is a two day conference dedicated to everything related to governance and open collaboration: open source project leadership, community management, project metrics, Open Source strategy for enterprise, /#OSPO, legal matters when dealing with and many more. FOSS Backstage will return March 10-11th, 2025.

Last posted 1 week ago
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Agorakit is web-based, open source groupware for collectives. Powered by Laravel.

By creating collaborative groups, people can discuss topics, organize events, store files and keep everyone updated as needed.

Agorakit is a forum, calendar, file manager, mapping tool and email notifier.

Agorakit will soon join the fediverse as a tool. In the meantime , this account is created to keep you up to date on development.

This account is owned by tchafia.be/@philippe

Last posted 1 day ago
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Public Knowledge Project
@[email protected]

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a research and development initiative that is also a Core Facility of Simon Fraser University. We develop community-driven free and open software, as well as conduct research, to improve the quality and reach of non-commercial scholarly publishing for the global public good.

Last posted 2 days ago
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freecad kde gimp tor opensource kubuntu linux firefox inkscape it telegram

=> Ne pleure pas, Alfred ! J'ai besoin de tout mon courage pour mourir à vingt ans !

[Don't cry, Alfred! I need all my courage to die at twenty!]

Évariste Galois - 1832

AVVISO => Filtro (ignoro) tutti gli argomenti che riguardino: GATTI e/o CALCIO e/o SANREMO

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𝗯𝘀𝘃𝗮𝗿𝘀 and 𝗯𝘀𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗦𝗜𝗚𝗡𝘀: 𝗥 packages for Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions developed using frontier econometric methods and compiled code written in 𝗰𝗽𝗽

by @tomaszwozniak and Xiaolei Wang


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@[email protected]

Het huidige digitale onderwijssysteem wordt gedomineerd door techgiganten. Fundamentele rechten, zoals de privacy, vrijheid en soevereiniteit van kinderen, ouders en opvoeders zijn onvoldoende gewaarborgd. Ed-tech is voornamelijk closed source en zit vol vendor lockins. Producten zijn te duur, verzamelen te veel gegevens of beide. Het is nu tijd om op surveillancekapitalisme gebaseerde Ed-tech te vervangen door ethische vrije opensource alternatieven.

Last posted 2 days ago
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informapirata privacypride
@[email protected]

Politica Pirata: mastodon friendica lemmy
informazione su

⚠️ Sono uno dei moderatori di mastodon.uno, ma le opinioni che caratterizzano questo account sono espresse sempre a titolo personale ⚠️

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Clean, Serviceable, and Convenient.

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Dash è una valuta digitale peer-to-peer e open source con una forte attenzione al settore dei pagamenti. Creato da Evan Duffield, Dash è la prima organizzazione autonoma decentralizzata (DAO) di successo.

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Greenbone is the world’s most widely used open-source vulnerability management provider and home to the OpenVAS scanner.

Last posted 6 days ago
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