1931 awesome Open Source accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Recently posted opensource Open Source
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Aiven Security Architect
IETF Security Area Director, IESG
Opensource dev: libreswan, Fedora, etc (see github)
NIST SP800-77 Rev.1 author
RDRonline player

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 155
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Arduino Libraries
@[email protected]

New releases in the Arduino Library Manager index ♾️📚️

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 6,299
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Following 42
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Sharon Machlis
@[email protected]

Author of Practical R for Mass Communication & Journalism
Still ❤️ R after all these years
Can't imagine life without writing
Having fun with
Also learning and
Newly retired (voluntarily!) after a long career as a tech journalist. Eagerly exploring my next chapter.
Passionate about vibrant aging
Other interests:
Joined Mastodon at Fosstodon Oct 2022

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 1,903
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Following 471
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Jeffrey Clemmons
@[email protected]

Middle aged nerd from Ohio. Interests in technology, especially open source projects. I dabble with Python and am learning C# for professional purposes. Posts will probably be pet oriented as I have 2 rescues (a Maine Coon mix and a Catahoula/Border Collie).

Married to my long time friend I've known for half my life, an opinionated fiery redhead. I've been in the veterinary industry for 13 years supporting and developing practice management software.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 12
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Just some nerd who plays too many video games
FOSS advocate and unqualified Linux user
also a minor

pfp made here: picrew.me/en/image_maker/23773

FCc3adf A-> C- H+ P++ R+ T- W- Sm- a- cl++++ d+ f--> j+ p

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 423
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Following 95
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@[email protected]

(Retiree) Toronto-based lefty labour & free/libre software activist. amateur (ham) radio operator. Liberals are not leftists, they're just another kind of right-winger

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Aspires to own a thundercougarfalconbird. Asks relevant frontend questions. The Guidry once said I had a good idea.

I mod @python and @django.

Topics: 🦋🌈 , , , , alum

Avatar: least disliked photo of myself cropped from a family photo

Header: handle spelled out in Landsat images

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 210
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Following 1,057
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Jordan Sissel
@[email protected]

“A Young Turk spared hackerdom from respectability” - The Wall Street Journal

I'm a hacker living in California. I take photos of arthropods, do various computer projects, and do lots of repairs on things around my house. I also like to bike and trail run :)

20+ years of open source, systems administration, software engineering, distributed systems, and infosec. You may have used software I've built -- Logstash, fpm, grok, pleaserun, xdotool.

If a user has a bad time, it’s a bug.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 233
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🏳️‍🌈 🇨🇵 🇳🇿
French Mediterranealpin currently in Tahiti after two years in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Web Engineer dedicated to building a more ethical, sustainable, low-carbon tech.

Ancien membre de la Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat, candidat écologiste aux régionales 2021 en Auvergne Rhône Alpes.

My toots only live a month.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 129
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I am an engineer that makes open source hardware projects in my spare time. You can find my github with all the projects at:


Please let me know if you're interested in them, I wish to promote them because I hope the projects will be both practically useful and help engineering education. They use very simple "jellybean" parts mostly so they should be able to be constructed by most hobbyists with access to electronics parts stores.

I am amateur station KW4TI.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 23
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He/Him quebec/🇨🇦 Fr/En

Professional Engineer & Developer.
Fellow of Digital Engineering in a large aerospace corporation.

Amateur astrophotographer - UOS all images are by me and licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/b).

Lover of

Mostly trying to be a good person.

Disclaimers: Opinions are mine. My toots are not engineering advice.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 1,859
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Following 393
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+ engineer @ kreuzwerker, part time computer nerd | likes fantasy books | Mostly technical stuff, a lot of boosts about tech and some political things (e.g. bike infra in ) | boost = I find it interesting and read worthy | former name: Jan Schulz | he/him/his

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 4,388
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Following 370

Hello, my name is Henry Hiles, Full Stack Developer. I have extensive experience with React, SolidJS, Node.js, and ASP.NET Razor Pages. I have used my Node.js knowledge to create QuadraticBot 2.0, a giveaway bot for discord. For more projects, check out my GitHub profile. I am into , , , and .

I occasionally boost posts without alt text (mostly of raccoons or cats, nothing important).

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 5,132
Followers 125
Following 102
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javascript/elixir programmer, open source advocate, internet native, bit of an audio nerd

23 | neurodivergent |

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 141
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Hi, I’m Nik. 👋 I live in Los Angeles, California ☀️ with my wife ❤️ and our cats and dogs 🐾.

I’m a software engineer working primarily with Python 🐍, and am the @pybeach chair 🪑 and a @socalpython organizer 🎤.

I do CrossFit 💪 and olympic weightlifting 🏋️‍♂️, ride bicycles 🚴‍♂️, pretend to read 📖, pretend to write 🖋️, listen to too many podcasts 🎙️, and still wear a mask 😷 because COVID isn’t over 🦠.

I often put bonus content in media alt text 🖼️.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 1,445
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Following 238
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I'm a Techie, , , and I love . I'm also a former professional . I'm write the and host the podcast

This account is for my more geek-specific stuff. I like to tinker with FLOSS software. It's a bad habit. 😜

The other account is for all kinds of stuff. (@pch)

Happy to connect!

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 77
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Following 344

🧑‍💻 Developer of open source products: github.com/monicahq/monica and others.

Main stack: , , , , the usual.

I use Mastodon to talk about my OSS projects, general web development and give opinions on and .

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 456
Followers 137
Following 119
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Rocky Lhotka 🤘🖖
@[email protected]

🧑 he/him

🧑‍💻 Open-source creator ( and more)

🤵 VP of Strategy @ Xebia; Chief Software Architect @ Marimer LLC

🎗️ and RD Program member

🧑‍💻 , , , , ,

🙏 Other people don't need to live by your beliefs
, ,

🏓 , , , , , , , , , , ,

🖼️ pixelfed.social/@rockylhotka

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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I like (attempting) to help people.

Mostly a lurker.
Boosts interesting posts, not accounts.
Surfs the federated timeline sometimes.
May boost no alt and maybe other languages.
Tries to not boost swearing.
Usually up later than i should be.
If you mute me please let me know why so i can do better.


Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 46
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Following 25
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Maddler the Badger 🧢 harmful
@[email protected]

I do things, I see people.

Vogon Poetry Appreciation Society.
touched by His Noodly Appendage.
Old school techie.
A Roman in .
Sol III permanent inhabitant.

I use and not ashamed .

I don't necessarily agree with what I say, or don't say, or both, or neither.

My pics at pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 7,780
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