90 awesome PHP projects on Mastodon.
PHP Community
@[email protected]Building and enriching the PHP community.
Want to learn PHP? Check out:
- https://phptutorial.net
- https://phptherightway.com
PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.
Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
PHP Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #PHP.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/php
Laravel News
@[email protected]Your official news source for the Laravel PHP Framework. By @ericlbarnes and team
@[email protected]The official account for the PHP Framework Interoperability Group, where we announce progress and surveys for ongoing PSRs and PERs.
The PHP Foundation
@[email protected]We support, promote, and advance the PHP language. 💜🐘
Public Knowledge Project
@[email protected]The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a research and development initiative that is also a Core Facility of Simon Fraser University. We develop community-driven free and open software, as well as conduct research, to improve the quality and reach of non-commercial scholarly publishing for the global public good.
#ScholarlyPublishing #ScholComm #OpenInfrastructure #ScholarlyIndependence #OpenJournalSystems #OJS #OpenPreprintSystems #OpenMonographPress #FOSS #OpenAccess #DiamondOA
@[email protected]Find bugs in your code without writing tests! Created by @OndrejMirtes
@[email protected]API, Web & Cloud Experts. API Platform creators. Symfony core contributors and maintainers.
Devs PHP/JS/Python/Go/Rust.
Self-managed and egalitarian company (Scop/co-op).
@[email protected]coding stuff - engl/german
#SlavaUkrainii! #DieMaskeBleibtAuf
#nobridge #iNaturalist
picture: CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=113466
I want to but somehow I can't log into X to delete my account :(
@[email protected]The #PHP world's standard framework for testing. Created by @sebastian. Official training: https://phpunit.training
Bot Lars Wilderäng 🇸🇪 🇺🇦
@[email protected]Unofficial bot posting updates from award winning best-seller author and blogger Lars Wilderäng's blog. In Swedish. Similar to a bot with the same name on a bird site.
Profile image by Ulrica Wilderäng, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41501088
@[email protected]Open-source web development tool for PHP and Node.js websites
@[email protected]PHP Package Repository for #ComposerPHP (https://getcomposer.org). See https://packagist.org for open source, https://packagist.com for private packages.
@[email protected]L’AFUP, Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP, est une association de loi 1901 créée en 2001, dont les principaux objectifs consistent à promouvoir le langage PHP et son ecosystème et contribuer à son développement auprès des professionnels et de la communauté.
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) project is a computer desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers.
@[email protected]Building the open web.
Agaric Technology Collective makes websites and applications that matter. We provide development services, training, and consulting to help define and meet your needs.
Bonob0h ... 🟡⚪🔵
@[email protected]En route pour Le #MetaWeb
Universel, Ouvert, Décentralisé, Indépendant de toute entreprise, accessible au plus grand nombre, Participatif, Collaboratif, Etc
& aussi
LogicielsLibres, Économie Associative, Social, Emplois, Handi, Archi/Urba/Rura, Aéro, AutreNucleaire, Etc
Doigt = Voir d’où vient le vent
@[email protected]Since 2002, php[architect] publishes a monthly magazine & books, organizes conferences, and provides training dedicated exclusively to the world of PHP.
PHP Digest
@[email protected]Events from the PHP world — interesting articles, library and framework updates. Editors: @sergey & @pronskiy