570 awesome PHP accounts on Mastodon.

php PHP
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Programmer; 1st Brazilian Postman Supernova;
🥑 osi linux vim OpenAPI apache php mezzio postgresql javascript
Studying rust, typescript and NodeJS
Director PHP Conference Brasil, ConFLOSS, NodeConBR;
Guest Post Grad Professor

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 453
Followers 57
Following 203
Dan 🦺 Deboer
@[email protected]

Both sets of grandparents came to from shortly after WW2. My parents were both born here in , and I live in (where a lot of the & clan still resides).

While most of my extended family are Evangelical/Fundamentalist, I am not part of that spiritual & intellectual dead end.

I write programs with code. That code is often and /#TypeScript, often leveraging and .

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 5,252
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Following 136
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Julien Dubois
@[email protected]

More inspired by the slow web than the latest JS package.
Ex-Cooperative co-founder.
PHP / Drupal / agile development.
Sports supporter of french national teams. 🇫🇷🏆

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 806
Followers 101
Following 88
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Ex-Mothertrucker wird zur .
Das hier ist @walsonde⁠s seriöslicher Account für alle IT-bezogenen Themen.

Hat mal und angefasst. Lernt gerade . Gehört zur seltenen Gattung derjenigen, die nicht verabscheuen (besonders in Verbindung mit und ).

Interessiert sich für ßeibersecurity. Wenn Ihr einen AZAV-zertifizierten Kurs in Teilzeit und remote kennt, der mir Jobchancen ermöglicht, schreibt mir bitte.


Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 2,608
Followers 83
Following 323
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He/Il - FR/EN/ES - Dév & , , , jardinier

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 139
Followers 67
Following 73
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Sascha Frinken 🐾
@[email protected]

Developer (Java, Groovy, Python, PHP…)

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 544
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Following 194
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Joe Steinbring thisisfine
@[email protected]

I write code (, , , ), take photos, and travel. I live in , . I created a bunch of mastodon bots and toot.works toot_works_girl.

This is my main fediverse account. I am also @steinbring on Pixelfed and @steinbring on kbin/lemmy. You can follow my blog at @joe or my second account at @joe.

My opinions / shoes are my own.



Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 13,880
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Following 558

Golang Lafer

Ich poste Dinge über Programmierung, Gaming, VR, Shenanigans und Dad Jokes.

Ich poste keine Dinge über Politik und Debatten, deren Inhalt in meiner Bubble ohnehin nur 1:1 zurückhallt.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 620
Followers 191
Following 339
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Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 3,163
Followers 86
Following 147
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✨ dwil òωó ✨
@[email protected]

dril, but uwu

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 0
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J'admin des systèmes dans mon boulô diurne et parfois je devs du coodes.

🧗 🏔️

Je suis bénévole par ici et par là.

🏘️ France

nonbiheart flag_nonbinary flag_transgender flag_slvmt

🔒Account is locked to avoid bots. I will probably accept if your profile looks human enough and there are some original posts.
🔒Mon compte est bloqué pour éviter les bots. J'accepte très facilement si le profile semble humain et avec qlqs posts.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 298
Followers 58
Following 165
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(WooD][WorkeR) 😟
@[email protected]
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 861
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Following 267
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Développeur senior & chez @cooptilleuls le jour, astronome amateur la nuit, créateur de @Kosmorro et de . Je fais aussi des trucs sur Twitch et sur PeerTube (@deuchnord). Originaire du Nord, expatrié en Vendée.
Agitez avant d'ouvrir.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 4,456
Followers 581
Following 318
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Arne Blankerts
@[email protected]
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 997
Followers 314
Following 117
Philip Newborough
@[email protected]
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 493
Followers 249
Following 283
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Beau Simensen – phpc.social
@[email protected]
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 793
Followers 341
Following 291
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PHP Backend developer with a passion for excessive testing with @phpunit und @codeception 
I like to discover other languages like python, go or Vuejs.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 354
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Following 51
@[email protected]

~/# I'm a ☕ loving WebDev and FLOSS Geek with some 3D and cryptography experience 👨‍💻 Anarcho with Punk attitude and I had my own radio show 📻 I post here mostly in German and in English and the most are deleted after one month ⌨️ work in progress…
⁂ tfr

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 601
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ïng Frank THM van den Heuvel
@[email protected]

Geboren bij 318 ppm CO2. Bouwen aan een betere toekomst. Wooncoöperatie: dewereldbuur.nl.
Niet praktiserend atheïst.

Interesses: sql, php, js, htmx, python, audio techniek, werelddans, fotografie, ligfiets, hardlopen, circulair wonen, klimaat, milieu, politiek, microbioom.

Born at 318 ppm CO2. Building a better future. Collective housing. Non practicing atheist.
Interests: sql, php, js, htmx, python, audio engineering, International folk dance, photography, live

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 4,576
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Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 308
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Following 49