94 awesome PHP projects on Mastodon.

Breathing London
@[email protected]Monitoring the Air Pollution in London since 2010.
- data from http://londonair.org.uk
- bot by
Posts are (usually) every 30 minutes.
@[email protected]Stitching together the best #openSource technologies to help #campaigns, #charities and not-for-profits communicate beautifully.
#CiviCRM #php #javascript #webDev #alpinejs #svelte #vue #ProcessWire #developer #nfp Oxford #uk #fullStack #floss
Music : NPR
@[email protected]
NPR Music features, streams, live concerts and music news.
このアカウントの投稿に関するお問い合わせは @owner までお願いします。
@[email protected]Nous sommes une équipe de passionnés impliqués dans le développement numérique : applications web dédiées 3D, WebGL, réalité virtuelle et excellents cafés.
@[email protected]API, Web & Cloud Experts. API Platform creators. Symfony core contributors and maintainers.
Devs PHP/JS/Python/Go/Rust.
Self-managed and egalitarian company (Scop/co-op).
@[email protected]L’AFUP, Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP, est une association de loi 1901 créée en 2001, dont les principaux objectifs consistent à promouvoir le langage PHP et son ecosystème et contribuer à son développement auprès des professionnels et de la communauté.
ïng Frank THM van den Heuvel
@[email protected]Geboren bij 318 ppm CO2. Bouwen aan een betere toekomst. Wooncoöperatie: https://dewereldbuur.nl.
Niet praktiserend atheïst.
Interesses: sql, php, js, htmx, python, audio techniek, klimaat, milieu, politiek.
Born at 318 ppm CO2. Building a better future. Collective housing. Non practicing atheist.
Interests: sql, php, js, htmx, python, audio engineering, climate, environment, politics.
"may all my bugs be features!"
@[email protected]
Infosec, Psychology+SE, OSINT, Privacy, Planes, Linux, Geopolitics and Environmentalism etc.
Huge SciFi fan 🖖
Just a cold robot on the internet hacking, shitposting, helping and doing things
I joke. A lot.
Pretty unfiltered, thoughts/opinions my own not my employers. Probably overanalyzing things... Or am I? What does that really mean? Maybe if I calculate the optimal amount of analysis...
Profile Pic: A Moopsy from Star Trek Lower Decks in a Team Magma hood now with eye patch and crow
Bot Lars Wilderäng 🇸🇪 🇺🇦
@[email protected]Unofficial bot posting updates from award winning best-seller author and blogger Lars Wilderäng's blog. In Swedish. Similar to a bot with the same name on a bird site.
Profile image by Ulrica Wilderäng, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41501088
Snafu 🐦
@[email protected]
#Freelance #FullStack #SoftwareDeveloper. Supporter of #LatinAmerica.
#Java #TypeScript #CSS #PHP #FLOSS #Privacy #Infrastructure #Linux #Infosec
#Español #LatinoAmérica
#PachaMama #MadreTierra
"Cuando la sangre de tus venas retorne al mar y el polvo de tus huesos vuelva al suelo, quizás recuerdes que esta tierra no te pertenece a ti, sino que tú perteneces a esta tierra." - proverbio indígena
"No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá." - Facundo Cabral
Old posts are deleted automatically. #NoBot
Salem's Lot
@[email protected]#golang #php #developer #archery #antifa #politics #nocovid #penAndPaper #refugeesWelcome #nosexism #mainz #rlp
Mag #snowboarding, aber intaktes Klima mehr.
#motorcycles ebenso, ist aber in sich nicht konfliktfrei.
PHP Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #PHP.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/php
@[email protected]coding stuff - engl/german
#SlavaUkrainii! #DieMaskeBleibtAuf
#iNaturalist https://www.inaturalist.org/
picture: CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=113466
I want to but somehow I can't log into X to delete my account :(
@[email protected]
We are a nice, cozy e commerce agency - officially based in Berlin, Germany. But let's be honest, we are remote and life in the internet.
Although this account will most likely toot our blog posts, feel free to write us - or drop @Schrank a message.
We do mostly #shopware6 and maintain #magento1. But can #shopify as well and of course #php and #symfony in general
Public Knowledge Project
@[email protected]The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a research and development initiative that is also a Core Facility of Simon Fraser University. We develop community-driven free and open software, as well as conduct research, to improve the quality and reach of non-commercial scholarly publishing for the global public good.
#ScholarlyPublishing #ScholComm #OpenInfrastructure #ScholarlyIndependence #OpenJournalSystems #OJS #OpenPreprintSystems #OpenMonographPress #FOSS #OpenAccess #DiamondOA
PhpStorm Blog
@[email protected]Regular updates from #phpstorm blog.
The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE. PhpStorm and the PhpStorm logo are registered trademarks of JetBrains s.r.o. The developers of this unofficial non-profit bot are not affiliated with the company.
Account created by @tikhonov_a
Software development engineer for twenty year.
Open-source advocate and activist.
Tech ecosystem is Debian, Go, PostgreSQL, Typescript, Angular, PHP and Emacs.
Hidden Hat Press
@[email protected]Words about Code. A tech publishing venture by Matt Zandstra (@inflatableink), author of PHP 8 Objects, Patterns, and Practice
PHP 8: Objects Patterns and Practice 7th ed Volume 1 out now!
@[email protected]Open-source web development tool for PHP and Node.js websites
@[email protected]⚠️ Informassue déménage sur Mamot : https://mamot.fr/@Informassue : À tout de suite sur Mamot. 🙂
#Informassue : le XXIème siècle, la fin de l'ère du #pétrole !!
Des articles pour mieux comprendre #croissance, #effondrement #collapse, #énergie, #hydrocarbures, #nucléaire, #multinationales, importance des sols en #agriculture, #écologie, #ChangementClimatique, #santé, #démocratie, #médias, #RienàCacher, #LogicielLibre, etc.