PHP[TEK] 2024

Elizabeth M Smith (22)

if every user did just one documentation fix a year - what @ramsey calls "light open source contributions"

We would be light-years ahead

11 12 1

The best documentation is written by newcomers

They find the important stuff that the current folks "already know"

7 9 1

@ramsey I think there are quite a few of us in the same age cohort who lived this.

10 8 0

The best way I've heard AI(llm) assistance with coding is it's moving the work to code review instead of code generation. Considering how bad most people are at code review... this will not end well.

7 6 1

We need more cool applications written in PHP

I remember the blog and framework and CMS wars

Those times of competition made everything better

2 5 0

The way to get into open source is to show up. Mailing lists, github, discord and slack. Ask questions, read. But first you have to just show up.

3 4 0

So many old-timers in this room. So many php careers that can vote, drink... and a few that are old enough to run for president.

8 3 1

"When you teach others you learn to do it even better" @ramsey

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PHP upgrades are easier with tests, ci-cd, static analysis and orchestration. Up front investment always sucks but it pays off so much. Our last PHP upgrade took less than an hour.

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@ramsey Calling out that everyone using tools built on php ARE php developers

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