PHP[TEK] 2024

Steve Grunwell (11)

When I was revamping "Up to my Eyeballs in Technical Debt!" talk (11am Central tomorrow morning here at !) I wrote a whole section on the , which I then had to cut out for time.

I ended up writing a blog post about it instead, which I just published: stevegrunwell.com/blog/adapter

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Pro-tip: @awoodsnet’s talk is earlier on the schedule than my talk on the . Attend his to get all the shell fundamentals and you’ll be able to focus even more on the PHP-specific elements in mine 😉 phparch.social/@phptek/1122040

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Hey , less than two hours until we talk about on the . Be there or be…in another session more aligned with your interests and/or learning goals.

Or taking time for yourself (remember: we’re only halfway through the conference and it’s important to pace yourself).

Or building lifelong friendships with fellow attendees.

I hope you spend the 3pm hour with me, but however you choose to spend it I hope you enjoy!

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Packed house for @Crell’s “Never* Use Arrays” talk at

I’m assuming this is the Array Mafia, coming to defend their favorite, flawed data structure 😬

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“I’m not Ben Fucking Ramsey, Steve” — Ben Fucking Ramsey

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Thank you to everyone who came out to "Building for the Command Line Interface" this afternoon at !!

As promised, here's the link to my slides, which also includes references and links to the sample code: stevegrunwell.com/slides/php-c

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I performed my first bisect yesterday, thanks to skills I learned from @vanamerongen at 😁

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Me: “Ooh, there’s live music at a local brewery this afternoon. I’ll walk over later, but in the meantime I’ll drink my coffee and work on my decks for

[Eight hours later]

“Son of a bitch!”

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I won’t normally boost without alt text, so lemme summarize: four photos of several dozen attendees enjoying a meal at Portillo’s after the conference. Some are wearing novelty hot dog hats, and all appear to be having a great time.

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