Speaking of cutovers, planning on merging the PHP 8.2 upgrade PR for Joind.in's API over lunch today. That PR also includes a *lot* of type enforcement that wasn't there before, so I expect stuff to break. Plan is to have things fixed by the time folks want to throw #phptek feedback in for the last session of the day.
Want to help triage/clean up? Find me at the conference, or hop in Slack at https://join.slack.com/t/joindin/shared_invite/zt-2hfq2qoxe-RAcBiwk9imrgfJOWzQRfbQ.
Pluses and minuses from a security perspective for @packagist from @naderman himself at #phptek
First #phptek talk: April Wensel talking about dealing with changes
You can tell the database to collect stats and improve the decisions the query planner makes with the ANALYZE TABLE statement, using e.g. the histogram method. - @Stoker #phptek
More info for MySQL: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/analyze-table.html
Second talk I'm attending at #phptek: Keith Casey talking design patterns In The Cloud