PHP[TEK] 2024

Ian Littman (41)

Time to talk about AI/ML/LLMs with @tjmiller at

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Put business logic in your SDK. Don't just wrap curl. And have very clear and in-depth testing because those tests document what the API is supposed to do. - @SecondeJ

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Speaking of cutovers, planning on merging the PHP 8.2 upgrade PR for Joind.in's API over lunch today. That PR also includes a *lot* of type enforcement that wasn't there before, so I expect stuff to break. Plan is to have things fixed by the time folks want to throw feedback in for the last session of the day.

Want to help triage/clean up? Find me at the conference, or hop in Slack at join.slack.com/t/joindin/share.

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Does need saving?
What are we saving it from?
What are we saving it for?

- @ramsey

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Use Value Objects rather than massive $options arrays when exposing an interface for configuring requests made by your SDK, because you want to make your SDK code as self-documenting as possible. - @SecondeJ

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It's time to learn how to git gud with @vanamerongen at

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Vendoring isn't the solution to dependency security - @naderman

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TIL that GROUP BY GROUPING SETS exists. Also ROLLUP, which is even more terse and powerful. Thanks, @auroraeosrose!

This exists in Postgres as of 9.5, while ROLLUP exists in a janky fashion in MySQL.

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"I'll stop lecturing on that." - @auroraeosrose
"No you won't." - @Crell

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