Speaking of cutovers, planning on merging the PHP 8.2 upgrade PR for Joind.in's API over lunch today. That PR also includes a *lot* of type enforcement that wasn't there before, so I expect stuff to break. Plan is to have things fixed by the time folks want to throw #phptek feedback in for the last session of the day.
Want to help triage/clean up? Find me at the conference, or hop in Slack at https://join.slack.com/t/joindin/shared_invite/zt-2hfq2qoxe-RAcBiwk9imrgfJOWzQRfbQ.
OLAP = Online Analytical Processing
The sorta thing that if you let accountants do wrong they'll toast your database.
OLAP is *not* a character in Frozen.
- paraphrased from @auroraeosrose #phptek
Heading back ORD-AUS soon. Thanks to everyone who organized, sponsored, spoke at, or attended #phptek! It's great to see the in-person community growing again, including a bunch of new faces to the PHP conference scene, plus another bunch of folks who I haven't seen in awhile.
Let's do this again soon!