Jupyter notebooks in 2024 is still not accessible.
In his #PyCascades talk, Venkatesh Potluri (who is blind) noted that popular Python libraries like matplotlib etc still can't embed alt text.
He made a patch for it, but the notebooks still don't pick up alt text.
I felt inspired about Python typing after watching
Piper Thunstrom's talk at #PyCascades this morning.
On her talk, she mentioned typing.Union as one of the useful typing features.
I've used typing.Union on the version of Python before the | symbol was introduced. As you can imagine, it is the source for the typo of the day "from typing import Onion".
My talk to #PyCascades was not accepted 🥹
That's ok. I'll get to enjoy the conference stress free.
Congrats to the accepted speakers!
Relaxed at a cat cafe before #PyCascades. This cuddly kitten, Pearl, took up most of my time 😻 The Whole Cat and Kaboodle in Kirkland. #cats
Thank you Temporal for letting my kids win the Star Wars Lego set at @pycascades
I am loving the PyLadies panel at @pycascades 💖💖💖
@mariatta's efforts as a core Python developer to the development tools and making sure the #Python language summit is not all men ever again is truly incredible.
@christyheaton shared how her organizing work started and how it was really helpful to just jump in and start giving talks. Find a topic or project you like (in her case mapping in Python) and just speak about it everywhere!
Me arriving on a Monday morning at the University of Washington for #PyCascades sprints just after the end of a class.
Some of them even gave me a deferential nod; presumably because they suspected I’m their new professor or something. Almost fell to dust.
Prepping the #EV for the drive to Seattle. Looks like we could go all the way without stopping to charge.
For those unfamiliar: the actual range is lower than the estimated range shown.
Trying to make it in time for #PyCascades pre-conferece social.
Dang I am feeling some serious FOMO about #PyCascades. While I feel like I done goofed by passing on this event (although I am not sure that it would have been possible given some personal logistics in the next few weeks) I gotta say it is *really* nice to see lively posting coming out of folks attending. Feels like Twitter before everything got really bad.
Maybe you wanted to give a talk at #PyConUS or one of our friends like #PyTexas, #PyCascades, or #NBPy but it didn't work out? Maybe you saw or learned something that got you inspired?
#PyOhio is coming in July, and our CFP is open for the next ~20 hours -- we'd LOVE to hear from you while we still can! We gladly welcome speakers of all experience levels (❤️ new folks!) and a wide array of topics -- if you're excited about something, share it!
Boosts appreciated!