Slides from Fabio Pliger's #PyCascades talk: Next Level Python Applications with PyScript
I felt inspired about Python typing after watching
Piper Thunstrom's talk at #PyCascades this morning.
On her talk, she mentioned typing.Union as one of the useful typing features.
I've used typing.Union on the version of Python before the | symbol was introduced. As you can imagine, it is the source for the typo of the day "from typing import Onion".
One of the stories shared by Ian Zelikman in his #PyCascades talk, The Stories of the most Infamous Bugs:
The underlying bug in the Mars Climate Orbiter boils down to the difference in measuring unit used by Lockheed Martin (metric) and NASA (imperial)
I empathize 🥹
We are here!
@bengerman kicked off @pycascades 2024 in Seattle! 🎉
#python #conference #PyCascades