Prepping the #EV for the drive to Seattle. Looks like we could go all the way without stopping to charge.
For those unfamiliar: the actual range is lower than the estimated range shown.
Trying to make it in time for #PyCascades pre-conferece social.
Jupyter notebooks in 2024 is still not accessible.
In his #PyCascades talk, Venkatesh Potluri (who is blind) noted that popular Python libraries like matplotlib etc still can't embed alt text.
He made a patch for it, but the notebooks still don't pick up alt text.
I felt inspired about Python typing after watching
Piper Thunstrom's talk at #PyCascades this morning.
On her talk, she mentioned typing.Union as one of the useful typing features.
I've used typing.Union on the version of Python before the | symbol was introduced. As you can imagine, it is the source for the typo of the day "from typing import Onion".
My talk to #PyCascades was not accepted ๐ฅน
That's ok. I'll get to enjoy the conference stress free.
Congrats to the accepted speakers!
Slides from Fabio Pliger's #PyCascades talk: Next Level Python Applications with PyScript
One of the stories shared by Ian Zelikman in his #PyCascades talk, The Stories of the most Infamous Bugs:
The underlying bug in the Mars Climate Orbiter boils down to the difference in measuring unit used by Lockheed Martin (metric) and NASA (imperial)
I empathize ๐ฅน
Thank you Temporal for letting my kids win the Star Wars Lego set at @pycascades
I'll be in Seattle this weekend for #PyCascades, the first of only 4 #Python conferences I'm going to in 2024.
It'll also be our EV's first road trip to USA .
There's still time to submit a lighting talk at #PyCascades!
PyLadies Vancouver community members can get 15% off registration to PyCascades in Seattle, April 5-8.
Write to vancouver at pyladies dot com to get the discount voucher. (limited quantity)
Thank you @pycascades for supporting our community!