Okay, it's been six negative tests.
I kinda hate that I'm worried this much, but honestly, I have to trust that at least ONE of them would have shown a whisker of positive if I were.
Apparently, despite actual exposure, I have exited #PyConUS without COVID.
Day 4, negative twice (because I realized that the first one had expired a couple of months ago)
Double negative.
Despite my worries, I *think* I'm COVID-negative.
Three consecutive non-positive tests. I’ve got sniffles and a cough, but signs are pointing to “not COVID, just conventional con crud”
I'll be testing once more today.
I have a #PyConUS / #Seattle “missed contact" question; I spoke to a Tammy who was at #PyCascades and PyCon US, and we talked about GitHub's contribution graph; if anyone knows who that is, can you put her in touch? Thanks!
It's the last day of #PyConUS for me, spent in semi-isolatiion because of a scratchy throat and a COVID exposure.
I've tested non-positive two consecutive days though, so I have hope it's not the bad one. Still, not the way I want to end a PyCon.
Are there any #PyConUS sprint stragglers up for an outdoor-seating dinner? Allergies + talking have left me a sore throat, so I avoided the CC today, but I've tested and am not a plaguebearer, so I'd love to have a drink and a bite with some nerds.
Also see #PyConUS mask policies.
(many caveats apply, especially once you take into account hearing disabilities and language barriers)
The worst thing about #PyConUS is that there is no way to spend the time I want to with all the people I'd want to spend time with, even if I didn't also meet fantastic NEW people all the time.
You heard it here: a PyCon cruise called Sea Python. Blame @jrrickerson for it. #PyConUS
It's super excellent to find that the upper terrace at #PyConUS still has tables during sprints. I hope they stay!