PyCon US 2024

Chris is. (30)

Top notch sponsor speech from NVidia: "We love Python, here's some money, bye!"

30 7 1

The worst thing about is that there is no way to spend the time I want to with all the people I'd want to spend time with, even if I didn't also meet fantastic NEW people all the time.

26 8 1

"You should be getting the same level of quality and security as you get in software you pay for."

Come on now, let's not set the bar THAT low!

25 10 0

Okay, it's been six negative tests.

I kinda hate that I'm worried this much, but honestly, I have to trust that at least ONE of them would have shown a whisker of positive if I were.

Apparently, despite actual exposure, I have exited without COVID.

20 0 1

You heard it here: a PyCon cruise called Sea Python. Blame @jrrickerson for it.

18 5 3

Next will, of course, be here in Pittsburgh. I'm stoked as hell to learn that in 2026 it'll be held in Long Beach, California, chaired by @elthenerd!

I can't wait to see all of my peeps there!

17 6 2

I think the thesis of this part of the keynote is subtle but @brainwane miiiiiiiiight be nudging towards tech industry unionization.

16 4 1

It's the last day of for me, spent in semi-isolatiion because of a scratchy throat and a COVID exposure.

I've tested non-positive two consecutive days though, so I have hope it's not the bad one. Still, not the way I want to end a PyCon.

15 0 4

@brainwane is dropping a penny in her swear jar every time she says "sustainable"

13 5 2

Day 4, negative twice (because I realized that the first one had expired a couple of months ago)

Double negative.

Despite my worries, I *think* I'm COVID-negative.

10 0 2