Have we considered that it might be shorter to list the people who *didn't* help at #PyConUS
(obviously kidding - we should recognize people for their specific contributions)
@brainwane "there are infrastructures in your world that you can engage with [...] and you can make a difference that maybe nobody else notices needs to be made" #PyConUS
@brainwane "the best thing for packaging right now is a long-term view. More companies sponsoring [...] so we can pay employees"
@brainwane "this is a blank slide partly so I don't name names" #PyConUS
@brainwane "if the 'free' bit of 'free software' means anything, it should mean that you can leave" #PyConUS
@brainwane "you can spend six days making something then spend six years trying to find someone to hand it off to" #PyConUS