PyCon US 2024

Day 4: Talks (278) Kevin Brown-Silva (76)

Attending the talk "Lies, damned lies and large language models" by @t_redactyl at in Ballroom BC and I'm excited to learn why they hallucinate so much.

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I enjoyed the diversity and inclusion panel at PyCon, and I especially appreciated the call for support at the end for the various groups they represented.

Berlin: berlin.pyladies.com
@pytexas: pytexas.org/sponsorship/friend
APAC: pycon.asia/
@apyb: apyb.python.org.br/
Ghana: linktr.ee/pyladiesghana

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open spaces for 5pm:

Room 308: + OIDC (auth)
Room 309: Randomized Pictorial Paper Forecasting (Tarot)
Room 315: Startups, Bootstrappers, Indie Hackers
Room 316: Computer Vision
Room 318: Visualizing 1 million points
Room 320: Python for test + measurement
Room 321: STEM Scout Merit Badge Instruction

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After the excellent keynote by @simon there is a break before today's talks begin for . Why not check out an open space?

Room 308: @conda and friends
Room 309: Performance testing in CI with Codespeed
Room 315: and cybersecurity
Room 318: and Coding
Room 320: Workflow orchestration with Prefect
Room 321: Neurodivergent people: meet and greet

Please note that Real World Python was originally scheduled for Room 316 but has been moved.

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Interested in taking the hallway track at ? Here are the 3pm open spaces.

Room 308: P.A.O. - Python Asia Organization
Room 309: @blackpythondevs and AfroPython
Room 315: Build an invincible app
Room 316: Profile Pic Palooza
Room 318: Infrastructure as Code BoF
Room 320: What are you doing to detect bugs in your project?
Room 321: Python Help

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Rock, paper, scissors competition on Sunday at in Room 310/311 at 11am! Everyone is welcome and it's usually a pretty kicked back atmosphere.

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"How can we tell which models work best? Vibes" from @simon keynote at

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There's a break in talks but are you looking for something to do other than go outside? There are open spaces running at 4pm.

Hallway: Juggling with @nedbat
Room 308: Fediverse and Mastadon
Room 309: Automate Python Code Optimization
Room 315: @drchuck
Room 316: and Visual Novel Dev Meetup
Room 318:
Room 320: Faster CPython
Room 321: Space 🚀

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open spaces for 2pm (as of 1:30pm)

Room 308: Research Engineering
Room 309: Right to Repair
Room 315: PyScript Community Meetup
Room 316: @PythonMorsels
Room 318: @pybay
Room 320: Vuln Together
Room 321: How to wear a Kimono
Outside Deck: Getting started consulting

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I'm attending the awesome talk from @mdboom titled "Measuring the performance of CPython" and I appreciated the call to action to get more benchmarks for pyperformance: github.com/python/pyperformanc

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