PyCon US 2024

Day 7: Sprints (73) Abdur-RahmaanJ | DM is open! (58)

Simplicity is the best bullet-proof bet. At sprints i was reviving flask_principal with latest activities 10 - 12 years ago.

I was amazed pip install worked with THE LATEST version of Flask and Werkzeug. The test also (some 44) still worked. Snippets still work when i changed the from flask.ext.principal ... import to from flask_principal import ... . It's amazing!

The project is a single ~400 lines project, with well-thought decisions IMO.

Simple, straight-forward and ezy maint.

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Sometimes contributors give maintainers insight.

Yesterday at Pallets during sprints two people, luis and alexandra were looking to contribute and after deliberation found the spanish docs to be the perfect fit.

This caused a chain of events, including starting korean translations and a translation system revamp task for today.

We also identified many flaws with our translation instructions and processes.

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Yesterday sprints at the Pallets corner @wlach worked on getting flask-mail off the ground and i worked on reviving Flask-principal.

@davidism briefed us on how Pallets currently packages things. Adam Englander was reviewing.

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