@pyladies uniteeee! If you can’t make the #PyLadiesAuction tonight you can still support #PyLadies with a donation by buying a shirt or donating here 👉🏼 https://pyladies.com/sponsor/.
Photographed - @astraluma @terezaif @marsbarlee
68 years later, as @simon points out, this work to develop AI is still ongoing not for “the most optimistic under estimation in tech ever of a summer”
Did you know @ThePSF has a diversity and inclusion (D&I) workgroup? You can learn more about the group here 👉🏼 https://wiki.python.org/psf/DiversityandInclusionWG.
Oh and also some of the workgroup is here at #PyConUS speaking with various #Python organizers from around the world.
Up first they discuss how long it took to travel to #PyConUS thus far the longest is approx 35 hours from Indonesia. How long did it take YOU to get here?
A smattering of snapshots from last night’s #PyConUS⚡️🗣️ - from organizing @pyladies in Seoul Korea to becoming a first time @ThePSF director to learning Japanese with #Python to building the ultimate handball calendar with #Python.
Come join us at 08:00 in Expo Hall B for the next round of ⚡️🗣️!
Promise you’ll be wowed yet again by the endless talent of our community.
Want to embrace new tech tools? Do as @simon does and ask yourself “What can I build with this that I couldn’t have built before?”