Out of curiosity, I searched for the #PyConUS hashtag on Mastodon and Twitter and scrolled back 16 hours and started counting posts. 🤔
I counted:
87 posts on Twitter on the PyCon hashtag 🐦
134 posts on Mastodon on the PyCon hashtag 🐘
The PyCon conversations have finally moved (mostly) to Mastodon! 🙌
Not a HUGE difference, but enough that I felt like there was more activity and decided to confirm my suspicion. 💗
Tips to prevent maintainer burnout from the beautiful soup maintainer. A single maintainer managing a package will millions of users
*ask users to contribute issues before a pr
* practice defensive programming. Use warnings to point to common user mistakes
Seriously cannot thank #PyConUS organizers enough for the robust public health policy.
As someone who can’t afford to fuck around and find out, y’all’s practices are a game changer. ❤️
Hey #PyConUs! Looking to take a break from the con with a little light reading? Stop by the #TurnTheTables booth to learn about your rights as a tech worker and how to organize!
The #pyconus tag on here is super active right now, great to have a functioning social media back channel again!
@kjaymiller is laying down some real talk about what it’s like to be Black in the Python community. I suspect it’s uncomfortable for some white people to hear — it certainly is for me.
If I can offer some advice: I think it’s important to sit with that discomfort, not push it away or try to forget it. Let it spur us not to rest on our laurels, and continue to try to do better.
“It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.”
This #pyconus Fastly news is a really big deal - a new five year commitment to hosting PyPI removes a strategic risk for Python: what would happen to PyPI if Fastly changed their support policy on short notice, based on unpredictable future conditions?
Top notch sponsor speech from NVidia: "We love Python, here's some money, bye!" #PyConUS