PyCon US 2024

Day 6: Sprints (110)

It's not a big problem if you missed talks at . They're all recorded and will be posted to pyvideo.org/ which also has over 18,000 recorded talks from other PyCons around the world.

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The records you all broke at PyCon US:
- # of proposals in CFP
- # of registrations since pandemic
- spike in new registrations (10%) so close to the conference that we had to lock it down
(I thought we'd be done breaking records at this point)
- # of toots using official hashtag during the conference @fedidevs (each day we broke our own record from the day before)
- $ PyLadies auction proceeds

So grateful for everyone for the support and making history!! 🤩🤩🤩

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Now that PyCon is over and you are heading back to your home base with ideas on what to do, I want to remind you that CfP for PyOhio is open till May 26, 2024 AoE. Details on the CfP are here: pyohio.org/2024/speaking/cfp/

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Happy Monday! If you were at , we hope you had a great time!

If it was your first time at a conference, we recommend reading @kojoidrissa's article on post-conference depression: kojoidrissa.com/conferences/co

And if you're looking for more vibes, we got you! 2024.djangocon.us/tickets/

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It’s sprint time! BeeWare is up and running in room 316 - come join us!

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🤯 can't believe I didn't know about pyvideo.org before today.

Its an index of python talks from all topics across the world, searchable and filterable by topic or speaker and more.

Thanks @AlSweigart for showing me.

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Is there some kind of record for how many people you get to selfie with at once?

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It’s the final week to submit your talk proposals for XIII in Wellington this August!

The cutoff for submitting your talk proposal is the 23rd of May anywhere on earth.

If you're at , you've got till the last day of the conf!


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At the sprints, as I’ve been working on Pomodouroboros, by far the most popular request is “does this work on Linux”, and I never *quite* got a viable progress overlay to work, despite getting a couple of elements in place. But since you all kept asking, I finished the proof of concept GTK widget and checked it in. Here is a brief video demo:

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