PyCon US 2024

Day 7: Sprints (73)

We had a blast providing live captioning at PyCon US 2024! 😍

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apparently if you ask the attendees of a Python conference if they want to kayak to the venue, at least some of them will say yes?

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Yesterday was my first time doing at (or anywhere), and I didn't know what to expect coming in. From the time I asked "is this the @coveragepy table?" to when I left, a table of complete strangers were so kind, funny, helpful, and patient as I explained my idea, got set up, and started hacking away while asking tons of questions all along. Thanks to @nedbat @grohe43 @marcgibbons @kevin and the rest of the sprinters for being the best example of what collaboration can be.

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The worst thing about is that there is no way to spend the time I want to with all the people I'd want to spend time with, even if I didn't also meet fantastic NEW people all the time.

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It was delightful to get feedback at for my *last year's* keynote (nedbatchelder.com/text/key23.h). But the most surprising and joyous was this drawing by @ludob of the moment when I showed coverage.py's Sleepy Snake mascot (nedbatchelder.com/blog/201912/).

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Changed my flight outta to help test and get the new Python 3.13 REPL working on Windows in CMD and PowerShell for Windows Terminal. Couple more bugs to iron out but it’ll ship in the next beta

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Waiting for boarding my flight out of Pittsburgh after and what a PyCon it was!

It flew by in a flash and if I weren’t so socially drained I wished it went at least twice as long. Always heart-breaking when one only gets a few sentences in with ppl one sees once per year. 💔

This year had much more energy than last year and the fact it sold out gives me hope for its future. See y’all in Prague!

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Thanks for a lovely - wishing everyone a good year.

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Is there a record for the number of people in your household who has earned @beeware challenge coin?

Our family now has three "Yak Shaver" coins 😎
I'm probably eligible for the "Yak Herder" at the same time, but forgot to ask for it 😅

Yesterday with my family during PyCon US sprint, we made this tiny PR

It uses my GitHub account because my 11 year old doesn't have one yet 😓

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